On Fri, 2009-09-04 at 13:53 -0700, Peter Memishian wrote:
> > Another belated opinion for PSARC review.  Please review by 09/11/2009.
> Is there supposed to be some content?

Yes, I included the wrong file (blush).  The correct file is now


-------------- next part --------------

   microsystems              Systems Architecture Committee


Subject:       Project Clearview: IPMP Rearchitecture

Submitted by:  Peter Memishian

File:          PSARC/2007/272/opinion.ms

Date:          November 19th, 2008

Committee:     Kais Belgaied, James Carlson, Glenn  Skinner.
               Abstain:  Gary  Winiger.  (opinion written by
               Sebastien Roy)

Product Approval Committee:

               Solaris PAC
               solaris-pac-opinion at sun.com

1.  Summary

This is one of a series of projects under the PSARC/2005/132
umbrella  case,  "Clearview:  Network  Interface Coherence".
This project rearchitects the existing Solaris IP Multipath-
ing (IPMP) technology so that it can work transparently with
all IP-based applications, allowing it to be  deployed  much
more widely by customers.  As a side effect, it also enables
core technologies such as DHCP to work seamlessly with IPMP.
It  also  provides  an improved administrative model and new
diagnostic  facilities  which  should  greatly  ease  troub-
leshooting  in  IPMP  environments -- and reduce our support
costs.  Finally, it massively  simplifies  the  IPMP  kernel
implementation,  shrinking  it  by over 35% (3000 lines less
code) and isolating the majority of the remaining code  beh-
ing a well-defined internal API.

2.  Decision & Precedence Information

The project is approved as specified in references [1-6].

The project may be delivered in a Minor release  of  Solaris
as part of the ON consolidation.

3.  Interfaces

PSARC/2007/272               Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems

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The project exports the following interfaces.

|                           Interfaces Exported                            |
|Interface                         |  Classification  |  Comments          |
|IPMP IP Interface                 |  Committed       |  [1] section 3.1   |
|outbount load spreading behavior  |  Volatile        |  [1] section 3.2   |
|source address selection behavior |  Volatile        |  [1] section 3.3   |
|ifconfig "ipmp" subcommand        |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.1.5 |
|ifconfig "ipmp" subcommand        |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.1.5 |
|"ipmp" in /etc/hostname[6].*      |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.3   |
|networking commands on IPMP and   |  Committed       |  [1] sections 4.1, |
|underlying IP interfaces          |                  |  4.4, 4.5, 4.8-4.10|
|IPMP packet monitoring semantics  |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.11  |
|IPMP packet filtering semantics   |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.12  |
|DHCP for IPMP data/test addresses |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.13  |
|kstats for IPMP IP interfaces     |  Committed[4]    |  [1] section 4.8   |
|MIBII stats for IPMP IP interfaces|  Uncommitted     |  [1] section 5.18  |
|IPv6 link-local IPMP interaction  |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.6   |
|IPMP bring-up at boot             |  Project Private |  [1] section 4.3   |
|                                  |                  |                    |
|/usr/sbin/ipmpstat                |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.2   |
|/sbin/ipmpstat alternate location |  Volatile        |  [1] section 4.3.4 |
|/sbin/in.mpathd alternate location|  Volatile        |  [1] section 4.3.4 |
|ipmpstat output modes             |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.2   |
|(-a, -g, -i, -p, -t)              |                  |                    |
|ipmpstat normal output format     |  Not-an-Interface|  [1] section 4.2   |
|ipmpstat -P output format         |  Committed       |  [1] section 4.2   |
|                                  |                  |                    |
|SIOCG[L]IFCONF and SIOCG[L]IFNUM  |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.1   |
|IPMP interaction                  |                  |                    |
|LIFC_UNDER_IPMP                   |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.1   |
|SIOC[GS]LIFFLAGS IPMP interaction |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.2   |
|IFF_IPMP                          |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.3   |
|IFF_RUNNING on IPMP IP interfaces |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.3   |
|Visibility of IPMP and underlying |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.4   |
|IP interfaces via PF_ROUTE        |                  |                    |
|SOL_ROUTE socket level            |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.4.2 |
|RT_AWARE / RTAW_* socket option   |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.4.2 |
|Assorted "set" SIOC* and PF_ROUTE |  Volatile        |  [1] section 5.*   |
|ops on underlying IP interfaces   |                  |                    |
|SIOC*ARP IPMP behavior            |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.11  |
|SIOC*ND IPMP behavior             |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.12  |
|SIOC[GS]LIFZONE/DLDIOC_SETZID     |  Cons. Private   |  [1] section 5.13  |
|SIOC*LIF*SRC* IPMP interaction    |  Volatile        |  [1] section 5.14  |
|IPMP data address multicast API   |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.15  |
|behavior and semantics            |                  |                    |
|SIOCGLIFBINDING                   |  Project Private |  [1] section 5.17  |
|SIOCGLIFGROUPINFO                 |  Project Private |  [1] section 5.17  |
|lifr_binding lifreq member        |  Project Private |  [1] section 5.17  |
|struct lifgroupinfo               |  Project Private |  [1] section 5.17  |
|EXPER_IP_AND_TESTHIDDEN MIB level |  Cons. Private   |  [1] section 5.18  |

PSARC/2007/272               Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems

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|                           Interfaces Exported                            |
|Interface                         |  Classification  |  Comments          |
|dlpistub kernel module            |  Cons. Private   |  [1] section 5.20  |
|/dev/ipmpstub                     |  Project Private |  [1] section 5.20  |
|                                  |                  |                    |
|libipmp APIs                      |  Contracted Cons.|  [1] section 5.21  |
|in.mpathd/libipmp communication   |  Project Private |  [1] section 5.21  |
|/usr/include/ipmp_admin.h         |  Contracted Cons.|  [1] section 5.21  |
|IPMP async events                 |  Contracted Cons.|  [1] section 5.22  |
|if_indextoname() IPMP behavior    |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.23.1|
|if_nametoindex() IPMP behavior    |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.23.1|
|if_nameindex() IPMP behavior      |  Committed       |  [1] section 5.23.2|
|ifaddrlist() enhancements         |  Cons. Private   |  [1] section 5.23.3|
|ifaddrlistx(), ifaddrlistx_free() |  Cons. Private   |  [1] section 5.23.4|
|sockaddrcmp()                     |  Cons. Private   |  [1] section 5.23.5|

The project imports the following interfaces.

|                       Interfaces Imported                       |
|Interface                 |  Classification |  Comments          |
|vni device driver         |  Cons. Private  |  [1] section 5.20  |
|NIC kstats                |  Committed      |  [1] section 4.8   |
|sysevent API              |  Committed      |  For PSARC/2002/137|
|IP module IPSQ framework  |  Project Private|  [2] question 14   |
|ARP/IP message-passing API|  Cons. Private  |  [2] question 14   |
|modhash kernel API        |  Cons. Private  |  Impl. artifact    |
|/etc/hostname[6].*        |  Committed      |  [1] section 4.3   |

4.  Opinion

4.1.  IPMP is a Network Layer Mechanism

During the case review, concern  was  raised  that  an  IPMP
group represented by a virtual IP interface could be confus-
ing to users.  Specifically,  IP  interfaces  that  have  no
one-to-on  relationship with an underlying link require spe-
cial handling by observability tools, and thus require addi-
tional architecture such as PSARC/2006/475.

The discussion did not result in any  technical  change  nor
advise.   IPMP  is  by definition a network layer mechanism,
and thus cannot be represented at the link layer.

PSARC/2007/272               Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems

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4.2.  Reverse ARP Autoconfiguration and IPMP

Section 4.1.11 of [1] states that the  ifconfig  auto-revarp
subcommand will fail on an IPMP interface.  The group inter-
face does not exist as a DLPI device, and DLPI is needed for
ifconfig to send and receive ARP packets.

One PSARC member noted that while it is true that the  group
interface  does  not  exist  as  a DLPI device, implementing
auto-revarp should still be possible by interacting directly
with  one  of  the  underlying interface's DLPI device.  All
agreed that implementing such  a  mechanism  is  likely  not
worth the effort.

4.3.  Incompatible Change to Networking MIB

Section 5.18 of [1] describes that data associated with test
addresses on underlying interfaces will be invisible to con-
sumers   of   the   Networking   MIB    unless    the    new
EXPER_IP_AND_TESTHIDDEN  MIB  II  level  is specified in the
request, under the assumption that only in.mpathd should  be
concerned with those details.

The committee noted that this constituted a  slight  regres-
sion  in  functionality, as SNMP applications will no longer
have observability into IPMP configuration.   This  resulted
in advice to management described in section 6.

5.  Minority Opinion(s)


6.  Advisory Information

This project's management should fund a project to add  SNMP
observability  into  IPMP configuration, perhaps using a new
private MIB.  See section 4.3 for details.

7.  Appendices

7.1.  Appendix A: Technical Changes Required


7.2.  Appendix B: Technical Changes Advised


7.3.  Appendix C: Reference Material

Unless stated otherwise, path names are relative to the case
directory PSARC/2007/272/final.materials/.

     1.   High-Level Design Document

PSARC/2007/272               Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems

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          File: ipmp-highlevel-design.pdf

     2.   PSARC 20 Questions
          File: ipmp-20q.txt

     3.   Specification      for      ifaddrlistx()      and
          File: ifaddrlistx.txt

     4.   IPMP Async Events Specification
          File: ipmp-async.txt

     5.   libipmp Specification
          File: libipmp.txt

     6.   Draft Manual Pages
          File: manpages/index.html

PSARC/2007/272               Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems

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