ARC members, please review and submit comments by 09/16/2009.

   microsystems              Systems Architecture Committee


Subject:       RBridges: Routing Bridges

Submitted by:  James Carlson

File:          PSARC/2009/596/

Date:          June 17th, 2009

Committee:     Sebastien   Roy,   James   Carlson,   Garrett
               D'Amore, Mark Martin, Richard Matthews.

Product Approval Committee:

               Solaris PAC
               solaris-pac-opinion at

1.  Summary

This project builds upon  Solaris  Bridging  as  defined  in
PSARC  2008/055 to deliver a TRILL-based "RBridging" mechan-

2.  Decision & Precedence Information

The project is approved as specified in references [1-7].

The project may be delivered in a Patch release of Solaris.

The project depends on the following other projects and  may
not be delivered before them:

          Solaris Bridging

          Bridging Updates

          IS-IS For OpenSolaris

          Volo -- Low Latency Socket Framework

          Volo Interfaces Amendment

PSARC/2009/596               Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems

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3.  Interfaces

The project exports the following interfaces.

|                             Interfaces Exported                              |
|Interface             |  Classification        |  Comments                    |
|dladm create-bridge -P|  Committed             |  [3]                         |
|dladm modify-bridge -P|  Committed             |  [3]                         |
|TRILL                 |  Uncommitted           |  References [4], [5], and [6]|
|libdladm              |  Contracted Cons. Priv.|  Used by trilld              |
|AF_TRILL              |  Contracted Proj. Priv.|  Used by trilld              |
|<net/trill.h>         |  Contracted Proj. Priv.|  Used by trilld              |
|/etc/sock2path        |  Committed             |  Entry for AF_TRILL          |
|/usr/sbin/trilld      |  Project Private       |                              |
|trill.xml SMF manifest|  Project Private       |                              |
|kernel/socketmod/trill|  Project Private       |  kernel TRILL module         |

The project imports the following interfaces.

|                     Interfaces Imported                     |
|Interface |  Classification       |  Comments                |
|Nemo/GLDv3|  Consolidation Private|  PSARC 2004/571, 2006/357|
|Volo      |  Consolidation Private|  PSARC 2007/587, 2008/694|

4.  Opinion

The project was approved with little discussion.  Note  that
the  trilld  daemon  delivered in the SFW consolidation uses
Contracted Private interfaces from the ON consolidation, and
a  PSARC  contract file [7] containing the terms of the con-
tract is located in the case directory.

5.  Minority Opinion(s)


6.  Advisory Information


7.  Appendices

PSARC/2009/596               Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems

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7.1.  Appendix A: Technical Changes Required


7.2.  Appendix B: Technical Changes Advised


7.3.  Appendix C: Reference Material

Unless stated otherwise, path names are relative to the case
directory PSARC/2009/596/committed.materials.

     1.   RBridges Architecture
          File: rbridges-arch.png

     2.   PSARC 20 Questions
          File: rbridges-20q.txt

     3.   Draft dladm(1M) Man Page
          File: dladm-new.txt

     4.   Rbridges: Base Protocol Specification
          File: draft-ietf-trill-rbridge-protocol-12.txt

     5.   Rbridges: TRILL Header Options
          File: draft-eastlake-trill-rbridge-options-01.txt

     6.   RBridges: Use of IS-IS
          File: draft-eastlake-trill-rbridge-isis-02.txt

     7.   Contract for trilld use of Private Interfaces
          File (in base directory): contract-01

PSARC/2009/596               Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems

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