Rich.Brown at wrote:
>  == Introduction/Background ==
>  Zero-copy (copy avoidance) is essentially buffer sharing
>  among multiple modules that pass data between the modules.
>  This proposal avoids the data copy in the READ/WRITE path
>  of filesystems, by providing a mechanism to share data buffers
>  between the modules. It is intended to be used by network file
>  sharing services like NFS, CIFS or others.
>  Although the buffer sharing can be achieved through a few different
>  solutions, any such solution must work with File Event Monitors
>  (FEM monitors)[1] installed on the files. The solution must
>  allow the underlying filesystem to maintain any existing file
>  range locking in the filesystem.
>  The proposed solution provides extensions to the existing VOP
>  interface to request and return buffers from a filesystem. The
>  buffers are then used with existing VOP_READ/VOP_WRITE calls with
>  minimal changes.

How do you handle "sparse files", e.g. files with one or more "holes" ?

>  == Proposed Changes ==
>  VOP Extensions for Zero-Copy Support
>  ========================================
>  a. Extended struct uio, xuio_t
>   The project team has commitment from the networking team to remove
>   the current use of uioa_t and use the proposed extensions (CR 6880095).
>   The definition of xuio_t is:
>   typedef struct xuio {
>     uio_t xu_uio;               /* Embedded UIO structure */
>     /* Extended uio fields */
>     enum xuio_type xu_type;     /* What kind of uio structure? */
>     union {
>         /* Async I/O Support */
>         struct {
>             uint32_t xu_a_state;        /* state of async i/o */
>             uint32_t xu_a_state;        /* state of async i/o */
>             ssize_t xu_a_mbytes;        /* bytes that have been uioamove()ed 
> */
>             uioa_page_t *xu_a_lcur;     /* pointer into uioa_locked[] */
>             void **xu_a_lppp;           /* pointer into lcur->uioa_ppp[] */
>             void *xu_a_hwst[4];         /* opaque hardware state */
>             uioa_page_t xu_a_locked[UIOA_IOV_MAX];   /* Per iov locked pages 
> */
>         } xu_aio;
>         /* Zero Copy Support */
>         struct {
>             enum uio_rw xu_zc_rw;       /* the use of the buffer */
>             void *xu_zc_priv;           /* fs specific */

Does it make sense to have a |xu_flags| field here for future
enhancments ?

>         } xu_zc;
>     } xu_ext;
>   } xuio_t;
>   where xu_type is currently defined as:
>   typedef enum xuio_type {
>   } xuio_type_t;
>   New uio extensions can be added by defining a new xuio_type_t, and adding a
>   new member to the xu_ext union.
>  b. Requesting zero-copy buffers
>     #define VOP_REQZCBUF(vp, rwflag, uiozcp, cr, ct) \
>     fop_reqzcbuf(vp, rwflag, uiozcp, cr, ct)
>     int fop_reqzcbuf(vnode_t *, enum uio_rw, xuio_t *, cred_t *,
>         caller_context_t *);

AFAIK the prototype should have a flags field to allow future
changes/extenstions without adding another VOP_*-hook ...



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 3992797
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