
Thanks for your feedback.

One thing, I just installed latest OSOL (2009.06) and it does
have cherrypy! And it does appear in the /release repository
as well 

Wonder how it made it to /release without getting ARC approval!?

I will however remove it my dependency list.


Danek Duvall wrote:
> Manjunath Basappa wrote:
>> I will list the following dependencies:
>> SUNWPython at 2.4.4,5.11-0.111:20090508T152730Z
>> SUNWPython26 at 2.6.1,5.11-0.111:20090508T152901Z
>> SUNWpython-cherrypy at 3.1.1,5.11-0.111:20090508T163103Z
> Sounds good, though a) I'm not sure what the ARC will think of dependencies
> specified in OpenSolaris terms and b) cherrypy is still not ARCed in any
> way, and so not suitable for this project to depend on.
>>> If the web engine is pluggable, is it appropriate to have a hard dependency
>>> on one of them?
>> But, routes would not work without some version of python, either
>> 2.4 or 2.6. That is the only hard dependency. CherryPy, is not a
>> hard dependency.
> By "hard", I mean that you'll be specifying it in your package
> dependencies; that the routes packages cannot be installed without having
> cherrypy installed first.  If that's not the case (and it sounds like it's
> not), then there's no need to list cherrypy as an imported interface.  It
> will simply be used if that's what the routes developer chooses to use.
>>> If you're delivering both Python 2.4 and Python 2.6 modules in the same
>>> package, which version of Python does the package depend on?
>> Ok, agreed. I will deliver the following two packages:
>> SUNWpython24-routes
>> SUNWpython26-routes
> Sounds fine to me.
>> I thought, since we are just exposing modules and classes to a web
>> framework, they are not public interfaces...it becomes an active exposed
>> interface if an instance of a class is created, I thought..
> An interface needn't be a user interface.  It is any interface that a
> project chooses to expose to the outside world.  It can be a commandline, a
> set of functions, an environment variable -- anything that another project
> might choose to use.
>> Ok, here are the interfaces or modules exposed to any python web framework:
>> routes
>>    Provides common classes and functions most users will want access to.
>> routes.base
>>    Route and Mapper core classes
>> routes.middleware
>>    Routes WSGI Middleware
>> routes.threadinglocal
>> routes.util
>>    Utility functions for use in templates / controllers
> This sounds like a reasonable list.  The full list of functions, classes,
> and methods should be available in the case directory.  The output of
> "pydoc <module>" for each module is sufficient.  I don't think anyone will
> bother reviewing them unless you're planning on making a core part of
> Solaris depend on this project, but it's good to briefly document what
> you're planning on integrating.
> Thanks,
> Danek

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