On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 17:48 +0200, Casper.Dik at Sun.COM wrote:
> >           Exported Interfaces
> >    -------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >    Interface              Classification          Comments
> >    -------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >    ping -D option          Committed               ping(1M)
> >    ping -F option          Committed               traceroute(1M)
> >    -------------------------------------------------------------
> "traceroute -F option", surely?

Yes, that's a typo.

> >      -F
> >                Turn off path MTU discovery. For IPv4 this means setting
> >                the Don't Fragment bit. For IPv4 and IPv6 this means to
> >                not allow fragmentation as the datagrams are sent. If   
> >                the packetlen exceeds the MTU, then traceroute may
> >                report that sending failed due to Message too long.
> >---
> This sounds wrong.  If you set the "don't fragment bit" then you ARE doing
> path MTU discovery. I think we only do this on TCP/IP and we don't
> do this for ICMP (ping) or UDP (traceroute).

That's also a typo, it should say "Turn on path MTU discovery".  Note
that both ping and traceroute can do either ICMP or UDP (ping -U and
traceroute -I).


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