Norm Jacobs wrote:
> Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>> +1.  I think this will be a big help.
>> I've a few questions (which probably count as not this case) though:
>> 1) Upgrades -- will upgrades (or pkg image-update) switch the 
>> service, or leave the existing setting?
> Venky can correct me if I am wrong here, but I believe that the 
> intention is to enable CUPS on fresh install and honor the prior print 
> service selection on image-update.
>> 2) Are there any plans to enhance CUPS to distributed network printer 
>> configuration via NIS?  Or is there a replacement for this service 
>> already present?  (I guess this is what Bonjour is intended for?)
> There are no plans for NIS.  CUPS supports LDAP, DNS-SD, SLP, and CUPS 
> Browse protocols for print queue advertisement/discovery.  Since CUPS 
> is the "de facto" standard print service on *nix these days, it's 
> interoperable with other systems.  Our name service support support 
> isn't.

So one thing I'd like to see here, in order to eventually remove the LP 
service altogether, is a set of tools or documents to help 
administrators migrate from using NIS to other protocols.

>> 3) What about Trusted Printing?  What are the issues here?  I'd be 
>> interested to understand why CUPS can't do this; feel free to email 
>> me out of band with more information.
> There are a couple of patches to CUPS to support labeling under 
> SELinux.  The approach taken by the patches is similar to the 
> scheduler changes we made to lpsched for TX a while back.  They are 
> being reworked to support Solaris as well.

Ah, cool!

>> 4) Forms support?  Does anyone still need or use this?  Seems like 
>> possibly this is a feature that could just fall by the way side....
> There still appear to be occasional bugs filed against forms.  We 
> don't know how heavily they might be used and whether or not the media 
> support in CUPS would sufficiently address the needs of the forms 
> users that might exist.  The page level printers that are more 
> commonly used today are pretty much useless with the LP forms feature.

I always figured forms were mostly for shops with weird typesetting or 
media requirements.  I'm inclined to just nuke it.  Perhaps its time to 
announce a plan to EOF this in the future.  :-)

>> I guess what I'm getting at is that I'd like to see use reach the 
>> point where we could just ditch the LP system altogether -- its a 
>> maintenance headache, and its hard to use.
> For reasons too numerous to list here, I think that we all would.  
> Because we have been reluctant to deprecate printing features (even 
> fairly obscure ones), we haven't simply asked to drop LP all 
> together.  Perhaps we should be announcing it's EOL again (Solaris 2.3 
> was a long time ago (PSARC/1993/348)) and really dropping it this time.

Yes, updating EOF announcements again would be an excellent idea.  Its 
time to find away to ditch this baggage.

    - Garrett
>    -Norm
>>    - Garrett
>>> I am sponsoring the following fast-track for Venky TV.
>>> The case requests Micro binding and the timeout is 10/02/2009.
>>> 1. Introduction
>>>    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>>>         CUPS as the default print service
>>>    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>>>         Venky TV <venkytv at>
>>>    1.3. Date of This Document:
>>>         09 Sep 2009
>>>         1.3.1. Date this project was conceived:
>>>         15 Mar 2009
>>>    1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s):
>>>         1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project:
>>>         Solaris PAC
>>>         1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project:
>>>         PSARC
>>>         1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project:
>>>         Chris Armes <chris.armes at>
>>>         1.4.4. The name of your business unit:
>>>         OP/N1 RPE
>>>    1.5. Email Aliases:
>>>         1.5.1. Responsible Manager: Joseph George <joe.g at>
>>>         1.5.2. Responsible Engineer: Venky TV <venkytv at>
>>>         1.5.3. Marketing Manager:
>>>         1.5.4. Interest List:
>>> 2. Project Summary
>>>    2.1. Project Description:
>>>        The projects proposes to switch from LP to CUPS as the default
>>>        print service.  The present default LP service will be retained
>>>        for backward compatibility.
>>>        Targeted release: OpenSolaris 2010.02
>>>        Requested binding: Minor
>>>    2.2. Risks and Assumptions:
>>>         Some Solaris LP features like Trusted printing, NIS support,
>>>         Forms printing are not available in CUPS at present.  Customers
>>>         who need any of these functionalities will need to switch back
>>>         to LP.
>>> 3. Business Summary
>>>    3.1. Problem Area:
>>>         LP has fallen behind CUPS in printer support, usability and
>>>         manageablity in recent times, for example, with features like
>>>         printer discovery using Bonjour, PDF workflow, etc.
>>>         Also, now that CUPS is the de facto standard in the open source
>>>         world, lots of key open source applications like Ghostscript 
>>> and
>>>         Samba are building in support for the CUPS API.
>>>    3.3. Business Justification:
>>>         Customer demand for CUPS, printer support, usability and
>>>         manageability.  Switching over as CUPS as default presents a
>>>         better user experience to customers, and longer term reduction
>>>         in support costs.
>>>    3.4. Competitive Analysis:
>>>         Almost all Linux distributions and MacOS/X use CUPS as the
>>>         default print service.
>>>    3.5. Opportunity Window/Exposure:
>>>    3.6. How will you know when you are done?:
>>>         New Solaris and OpenSolaris installations will ship with 
>>> CUPS as
>>>         the default print service.  CUPS will be the only print service
>>>         bundled with the OpenSolaris CD.
>>> 4. Technical Description:
>>>     4.1. Details:
>>>         PSARC/2008/130 has already introduced a service to switch
>>>         between the Solaris LP and CUPS services.  The service detects
>>>         the currently configured print service automatically.  The
>>>         desktop also currently sets up the right printer management
>>>         tools depending on the active print service.
>>>         To enable CUPS as the default service, all that needs to be 
>>> done
>>>         is to set the "general/active" propery in the CUPS SMF manifest
>>>         to "true".
>>>     4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
>>>         6872820 Switch to CUPS as the default print service
>>>     4.3. In Scope:
>>>     4.4. Out of Scope:
>>>     4.5. Interfaces:
>>>         CUPS and LP interfaces are listed in PSARC 2008/130.
>>>         This case does not introduce any new interfaces nor does it
>>>         remove any.
>>>     4.6. Doc Impact:
>>>         Documentation will be based on that provided by the CUPS
>>>         community.  Additional documentation will be necessary to
>>>         outline the process of installing LP for customers who want to
>>>         switch back to it, as well as the process of switching between
>>>         the two services (print-service(1M)).  CUPS being the 
>>> default print
>>>         service will also need to be noted in the release notes.
>>>     4.7. Admin/Config Impact:
>>>         Administration changes required by CUPS are already in place.
>>>     4.8. HA Impact:
>>>         None
>>>     4.9. I18N/L10N Impact:
>>>         None
>>>     4.10. Packaging & Delivery:
>>>         There are no packaging changes.  Install will now deliver CUPS
>>>         instead of LP.
>>>     4.11. Security Impact:
>>>         None
>>>     4.12. Dependencies:
>>>         None
>>> 5. Reference Documents:
>>>     PSARC/2008/130      CUPS 1.3.6
>>>     6851083 modify print-service to switch running printer detection
>>>             daemon correctly
>>> 6. Resources and Schedule:
>>>    6.1. Projected Availability:
>>>         FY10 Q2
>>>    6.2. Cost of Effort:
>>>         Total: 6 weeks
>>>             Development: 2 weeks
>>>             Documentation: 4 weeks
>>>    6.3. Cost of Capital Resources:
>>>    6.4. Product Approval Committee requested information:
>>>         6.4.1. Consolidation or Component Name:
>>>                 SFW
>>>         6.4.3. Type of CPT Review and Approval expected:
>>>                 FastTrack
>>>         6.4.4. Project Boundary Conditions:
>>>         6.4.5. Is this a necessary project for OEM agreements:
>>>                 No
>>>         6.4.6. Notes:
>>>         6.4.7. Target RTI Date/Release:
>>>                 Nevada/SFW Build 127
>>>         6.4.8. Target Code Design Review Date:
>>>         6.4.9. Update approval addition:
>>>    6.5. ARC review type:
>>>         FastTrack
>>>    6.6. ARC Exposure:
>>>         Open
>>> 7. Prototype Availability:
>>>    7.1. Prototype Availability:
>>>         Now

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