+1, and good riddance!

    - Garrett

Gary Winiger wrote:
> I'm sponsoring this Fast Track for Raja Gopal Andra, the RPE naming team,
> and the NIS+ core team.  It requests removal of all the NIS+ related
> interfaces and documentation in a Minor Release.  While this is somewhat
> long, the case owner and project team believe it still qualifies for a
> Fast Track as the length details the how the EOL required dependences are
> satisfied.
> This project is unrelated to pam_ldap(5) and has no effect on it or
> the Sun Java System Directory Server.
> The current NIS+(1) man page and redacted opinions for PSARC/2000/370 (EOL of
> NIS+) and PSARC/2004/638 (Removal of Sun Directory Server 5.1 from Solaris 
> WOS)
> are in the case directory.
> The timer is set for 12 Oct., 2009.
> Gary..
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Background:
> ==========
> NIS+(1) seems to have been introduced prior to the recording of PSARC cases
> in 1991.  The first references I've found are Vikul Khosla's nisaddcred flag
> (PSARC/1992/187) and Chuck McManis' NIS+ diagnostics (PSARC/1992/188) cases.
> They refer to NIS+, but not to any previous cases, though ZNS demos
> (PSARC/1991/023) seems somehow related.  The NIS+ promise never achieved
> sufficient traction to supplant NIS (nee YP).  X500 directory servers and
> the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) have supplanted the promise
> of NIS+.  EOL of NIS+ (PSARC/2000/370) started the process leading to this
> case.
> Dependences:
> ===========
> o PSARC/2000/370 (EOL of NIS+) opinion states:
>     2.  Decision & Precedence Information
>       . . .
>     Note: the approval of  this  case  does    not  authorize  the
>     actual    removal  of NIS+ support from Solaris.  That removal
>     will need to be the subject of another case.  That case will
>     depend on at least:
>          PSARC/2000/311  NIS+/LDAP Migration
>          PSARC/2000/363  Native LDAP phase II
>          LSARC/2001/101  Bundling of LDAP Directory Server
>        {actually PSARC/2001/101 -gww}
>     4.  Opinion
>     The main issue raised for this case was    that  of  providing
>     adequate  notice  and  support    to existing NIS+ users.  The
>     requirement to announce the upcoming EOL of NIS+ as soon  as
>     possible in order to head off new adoption of the technology
>     was seen as conflicting with the requirement  not  to  panic
>     existing users.
>     The committee decided that a three step schedule:
>          1.     adequate notice
>          2.     availability of all replacement technology
>          3.     actual EOL
>     would  satisfy    both  requirements  and  imposed   technical
>     changes    needed  to  obtain  such  a  schedule.  See [2] for
>     opposing views.
>     {[2] Email discussion.  File:  mail}
> o PSARC/2004/638 (Removal of Sun Directory Server 5.1 from Solaris WOS) was
>   denied.  The denial was overturned on appeal and iDS was removed from
>   the Solaris WOS.  That removal impacts the removal of NIS+ as the
>   opinion states:
>     4.10.  Potential Impact on NIS+ Removal
>     PSARC/2000/370 "EOL of NIS+" states:
>          "Note: the approval of this case {PSARC/2000/370}    does
>          not  authorize  the actual removal of NIS+ support from
>          Solaris.  That removal will need to be the    subject  of
>          another case.  That case will depend on at least:
>        PSARC/2000/311  NIS+/LDAP Migration
>        PSARC/2000/363  Native LDAP phase II
>        PSARC/2001/101  Bundling of LDAP Directory Server"
>     Without a bundled LDAP directory server,  the  preconditions
>     for  the  removal  of NIS+ from Solaris are not met and NIS+
>     may not be removed from Solaris based on the approved archi-
>     tectural decisions.
> Details:
> =======
>     * PSARC/2000/311 NIS+/LDAP Migration and PSARC/2000/363 Native LDAP
>       phase II have both been delivered since Solaris 9.
>     * 1) adequate notice
>         The announcement of the EOL of NIS+ has been completed since Solaris 9
>       The current (S10u8) NIS+ man pages contain the note:
>           NIS+ might not  be  supported  in  future  releases  of  the
>           Solaris  operating  system.  Tools to aid the migration from
>           NIS+ to LDAP are available in the current  Solaris  release.
>           For            more            information,            visit
>           http://www.sun.com/directory/nisplus/transition.html.
>     * 2) availability of all replacement technology
>        With the integration of PSARC/2008/745 nss_ldap shadowAccount support
>        in the current development release and the back port to S10u8,
>        all the functionality that was provided by NIS+ is now available
>        using a LDAP directory server as a name service (i.e., nsswitch.conf
>        configuration such as shown in the delivered sample nsswitch.ldap).
>     * With the permission to remove the bundled LDAP Directory Server by
>       the approval upon appeal of PSARC/2004/638, the conditions of
>       PSARC/2000/370 are not met by the Solaris "letter of the law".
>       The "traditional" Solaris view of what is bundled software appears
>       to be changing with the next Minor release's introduction of the
>       "OpenSolaris" distribution and "Solaris Next" "marketing release".
>       The project team believes that OpenLDAP for OpenSolaris
>       (PSARC/2008/507) and/or Sun OpenDS (LSARC/2008/372) meet the
>       "intent of the law" as written in PSARC/2000/370 for having a
>       "Bundled" LDAP Directory Server.  They are "distributed" with
>       OpenSolaris/Solaris Next.  The project team has verified that both
>       OpenLDAP and OpenDS support at least all the name service databases
>       and attributes supported by NIS+.  (As does the "unbundled" Sun
>       Java System Directory Server.)
> Proposal:
> ========
> As all the requirements outlined in PSARC/2000/370 have been met, remove
> all the NIS+ related interfaces and documentation in the a Minor release.
> (PSARC/2000/370 details the user and administrative commands, RPC services,
> and Programming API to be removed.)
> Issues:
> ======
> Conversion of an existing NIS+ server's Tables to LDAP needs to be
> completed on a system that supports NIS+.  Once NIS+ has been removed.
> conversion using the processes described in "Transitioning From NIS+ to LDAP"
> (http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-2655/6mia7mum5?a=view) isn't
> available.  To mitigate this, the project team notes that the announcement
> was made in Solaris 9 and the project will ensure that the installation
> documentation of the Minor release that removes NIS+ will clearly state
> that the conversion must take place before installation.
> The project team proposes adding to the Solaris Next System
> Administration Guide a section similar to:
> Transitioning from NIS+ to LDAP on Solaris Next:
> <Warning> An existing Solaris 9 or 10 NIS+ Server and Client system must
>         be available for the Transition.
>     1. On a system, install Solaris Next (or Solaris 9 or Solaris 10)
>        with the desired Directory server.
>     2. Configure the Directory server as documented in System admin guide
>        http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-4556/sundssetup-13?l=en&a=view
>        This details the steps for Sun ONE Directory server, similar
>        configuration steps need to be done if other Directory servers
>        like OpneLDAP or OpenDS are used.
>     3. Migrate the NIS+ tables as documented in System admin guide
>        http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-4556/nisplus2ldap-1?l=en&a=view
>     4. Continue by installing Solaris next with a configured name server
>        that refers to the Directory server of step 1.

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