Just to update this, /usr/bin/mkfifo , /usr/bin/head , /usr/bin/tail and 
/usr/xpg4/bin/tail will be delivered later, with the bulk of the case 
being delivered first.

Garrett D'Amore - sun microsystems wrote:
> I'm sponsoring this fast-track request on behalf of Roland Mainz and the
> ksh93-integration project.  It consists of more commands being converted
> to use internal ksh93 builtins.  
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
> This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        more ksh93 command conversions
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Roland Mainz
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       20 April, 2009
> 4. Technical Description
> Please note that this is an *open* case.
> The release binding is the same as with the previous ksh93 project: a
> patch/micro release of Solaris delivering through OS/Net
> Stability levels are as described below.
> Additional materials (man pages and diffs) can be found in the
> 'materials/' subdirectory.
> This project is an amendment to the Korn Shell 93 Integration project
> (PSARC/2006/550, PSARC/2006/587, PSARC/2007/035, PSARC/2008/094,
> PSARC/2008/344, PSARC/2009/063 and PSARC/2009/248) and depends on
> PSARC/2009/248, specifying the following additional interfaces:
> 1) An enhanced version of the "cksum" utility and an identical ksh93
>   built-in command
> 2) An enhanced version of the "head" utility and an identical ksh93
>   built-in command
> 3) An enhanced version of the "join" utility and an identical ksh93
>   built-in command
> 4) An enhanced version of the "logname" utility and an identical ksh93
>   built-in command
> 5) An enhanced version of the "mkfifo" utility and an identical ksh93
>   built-in command
> 6) An enhanced version of the "tail" utility and an identical ksh93
>   built-in command
> 7) An enhanced version of the "tee" utility and an identical ksh93
>   built-in command
> Bug/RFE Number(s):
> 6793763 RFE: Update /usr/bin/ksh93 to ast-ksh.2009-03-10
> 6828692 RFE: Update /usr/bin/cksum to AT&T AST "cksum"
> 6805812 RFE: Update /usr/bin/head to AT&T AST "head"
> 6805813 RFE: Update /usr/bin/join to AT&T AST "join"
> 6828644 RFE: Update /usr/bin/logname to AT&T AST "logname"
> 6805814 RFE: Update /usr/bin/mkfifo to AT&T AST "mkfifo"
> 6790507 RFE: Update /usr/bin/tail and /usr/xpg4/bin/tail to
>         AT&T AST "tail"
> 6805819 RFE: Update /usr/bin/tee to AT&T AST "tee"
> Interface                       Stability        Description                  
> ---------                       ---------        -----------  
> /usr/bin/cksum                    Commited         cksum command
> /usr/bin/head                     Commited         head command
> /usr/bin/join                     Commited         join command
> /usr/bin/logname                  Commited         logname command
> /usr/bin/mkfifo                   Commited         mkfifo command
> /usr/bin/tail                     [1]              tail command
> /usr/xpg4/bin/tail                [1]              XPG4 tail command
> /usr/bin/tee                      Commited         tee command
> [1]=Stabiltiy for /usr/bin/tail and /usr/xpg4/bin/tail is "Commited"
>   except for "Uncommited" options "-q"/"--quiet" which are
>   GNU-only and option "-b" which is now "Commited Obsolete".
> ##### Introduction:
> This case proposes to deliver the following features as a set of
> independent putbacks as they become available. Each feature is
> self contained and independent of the others, so out of order
> and partial putbacks at this granularity should have no adverse
> impact on the functionality and behavior of the system as a whole.
> #### Part 1: Enhancement of /usr/bin/cksum
> The first part of this project specifies an enhancement to
> /usr/bin/cksum and a new ksh93 built-in with the same name based on
> the AT&T AST "cksum" command.
> The AT&T version of the "cksum" utility
> provides extensions not present in the current Solaris "cksum"
> utility, which are useful for small applications to generate hash
> sums (for example using the MD5 hash for MIME "Content-MD5:"-headers).
> The AT&T AST version of the "cksum" utility provides support for the
> following additional options found commonly in other
> implementations such as GNU and BSD:
> -- snip --
> -a, --all
> -b, --binary
> -B, --scale
> -c, --check 
> -h, --header
> -l, --list
> -p, --permissions
> -R, --recursive
> -S, --silent|status
> -t, --total
> -T, --text
> -w, --warn 
> -x, --method|algorithm (default is "cksum")
> -L, --logical|follow
> -H, --metaphysical
> -P, --physical
> -r, --bsd
> -s, --sysv
> --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
> -- snip --
> The stability of the "/usr/bin/cksum" command and built-in
> command-line interface and the system variables documented in
> cksum(1) and specified by IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 is "Committed".
> Note that the implementation will take the specified output format
> string "%u %d %s\n" <checksum>, <# of octets>, <path name> now
> literally, previously implementation used a <tab> instead of
> <space> between %u and %d (the POSIX standard allows both <tab>
> and <space>, however GNU and BSD implementations use <space> and
> no other implementation except Solaris was found which uses
> <tab>).
> The "cksum" command will (re-)use the existing codepath for
> /usr/bin/sum which uses libmd to use Solaris's native&&optimized
> versions for ciphers like MD5 and the SHA*-family.
> #### Part 2: Enhancement of /usr/bin/head
> The second part of this project specifies an enhancement to
> /usr/bin/head based on the AT&T AST "head" command.
> The AT&T AST version of the "head" utility provides support for the
> following additional options found commonly in other
> implementations such as GNU and BSD:
> -- snip --
> --lines (same as existing "-n")
> -c, --bytes
> -q, --quiet|silent
> -s, --skip
> -v, --verbose
> --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
> -- snip --
> The stability of the "/usr/bin/head" command and built-in
> command-line interface (including the new options) and system
> variables documented in head(1) and specified by IEEE
> Std 1003.1-2008 is "Committed".
> For further information/specifications see the materials/-folder.
> #### Part 3: Enhancement of /usr/bin/join
> The third part of this project specifies an enhancement to
> /usr/bin/join based on the AT&T AST "join" command.
> The AT&T AST version of the "join" utility provides support for the
> following additional options found commonly in other
> implementations such as GNU and BSD:
> -- snip --
> --empty (same as existing "-e")
> --output (same as existing "-o")
> --separator|tabs (same as existing "-t").
> --j1 (same as existing "-1")
> --j2 (same as existing "-2")
> --join (same as existing "-j")
> --unpairable (same as existing "-a")
> --suppress (same as existing "-v")
> -i, --ignorecase
> -B, --mmap
> --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
> -- snip --
> The stability of the "/usr/bin/join" command and built-in
> command-line interface (including the new options) and system
> variables documented in join(1) and specified by IEEE
> Std 1003.1-2008 is "Committed".
> For further information/specifications see the materials/-folder.
> #### Part 4: Enhancement of /usr/bin/logname
> The 4th part of this project specifies an enhancement to
> /usr/bin/logname based on the AT&T AST "logname" command.
> The AT&T AST version of the "logname" utility provides support for the
> following additional options found commonly in other
> implementations such as GNU and BSD:
> -- snip --
> --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
> -- snip --
> The stability of the "/usr/bin/logname" command and built-in
> command-line interface (including the new options) and system
> variables documented in logname(1) and specified by IEEE
> Std 1003.1-2008 is "Committed".
> For further information/specifications see the materials/-folder.
> #### Part 5: Enhancement of /usr/bin/mkfifo
> The 5th part of this project specifies an enhancement to
> /usr/bin/mkfifo based on the AT&T AST "mkfifo" command.
> The AT&T AST version of the "mkfifo" utility provides support for the
> following additional options found commonly in other
> implementations such as GNU and BSD:
> -- snip --
> --mode (same as existing "-m")
> --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
> -- snip --
> The stability of the "/usr/bin/mkfifo" command and built-in
> command-line interface (including the new options) and system
> variables documented in mkfifo(1) and specified by IEEE
> Std 1003.1-2008 is "Committed".
> For further information/specifications see the materials/-folder.
> #### Part 6: Enhancement of /usr/bin/tail and /usr/xpg4/bin/tail
> The 7th part of this project specifies an enhancement to
> /usr/bin/tail and /usr/xpg4/bin/tail based on the AT&T AST "tail"
> command in one command which provides both the traditional Unix
> "tail" functionality and the functionality defined in IEEE Std
> 1003.1-2008 plus the "historical" "-b" option.
> The AT&T AST version of the "tail" utility provides support for the
> following additional options found commonly in other
> implementations such as GNU and BSD:
> -- snip --
> --lines (same as existing "-n")
> --blocks (same as existing "-b")
> --bytes (same as existing "-c")
> --forever|follow (same as existing "-f")
> -h, --headers
> --lines (same as existing "-l")
> -L, --log
> -q, --quiet (GNU only, interface stability "Uncommited")
> -r, --reverse (same as existing "-r")
> -s, --silent
> -t, --timeout
> -v, --verbose
> --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
> -- snip --
> The stability of the "/usr/bin/tail" and "/usr/xpg4/bin/tail"
> commands and built-in command-line interface (including the new
> options) documented in tail(1) and specified by IEEE
> Std 1003.1-2008 is "Committed" except for the command-line
> options "-q"/"--quiet" which are "Uncommited" (following the
> rule that options should only be "Commited" if there is more
> than one vendor implementation which implements it) and
> "-b"/"--blocks" which is now "Commited Obsolete" (IEEE Std
> 1003.1-2008 now longer supports it - see
> http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/tail.html
> This is only a documentation change, the project team has no
> intention to remove the implementation for "-b"/"--blocks" in
> the forseeable future).
> For further information/specifications see the materials/-folder.
> #### Part 7: Enhancement of /usr/bin/tee
> The 7th part of this project specifies an enhancement to
> /usr/bin/tee based on the AT&T AST "tee" command.
> The AT&T AST version of the "tee" utility provides support for the
> following additional options found commonly in other
> implementations such as GNU and BSD:
> -- snip --
> --append (same as existing -a)
> --ignore-interrupts  (same as existing -i)
> -l, --linebuffer
> --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
> -- snip --
> Additinally the original documented limit of 13 file operands is
> removed.
> The stability of the "/usr/bin/tee" command and built-in
> command-line interface (including the new options) and system
> variables documented in tee(1) and specified by IEEE
> Std 1003.1-2008 is "Committed".
> For further information/specifications see the materials/-folder.
> # EOF.
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               ON
>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open
> _______________________________________________
> opensolaris-arc mailing list
> opensolaris-arc at opensolaris.org

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