
Actually, after second thought you have my +1.  The Sun
LDAP classification is a nit.



John Fischer wrote:
> Jeff,
> According to the sunldap case that you site the LDAP
> interface was declared Evolving.  This translates into
> either Uncommitted or Committed depending.  Since this
> was reviewed by PSARC it is most likely Committed but
> check with someone from the Sun LDAP team.
> After that you have my +1.
> Thanks,
> John
> Qing-Ming Jeff Cai wrote:
>> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
>> This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
>> 1. Introduction
>>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>>      Seahorse Update and Seahorse Plugins
>>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>>      Author:  Jeff Cai
>>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>>     02 November, 2009
>> 4. Technical Description
>> This information is Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
>> 1. Introduction
>>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>>      Seahorse Update and Seahorse Plugins for OpenSolaris
>>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>>      Author:  Jeff Cai
>>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>>     21 October, 2009
>> 4. Technical Description
>> 1. Introduction
>>    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>>         Seahorse Update and Seahorse Plugins
>>    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>>                 Author:         Jeff Cai
>>         Sponsor:        Jeff Cai
>>    1.3. Date of This Document:
>>         10/29/2009
>>    1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s):
>>         1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project:
>>                 Solaris PAC
>>         1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project:
>>                 LSARC
>>         1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project:
>>                 Robert O'Dea
>>         1.4.4. The name of your business unit:
>>                 Software - OPG
>>    1.5. Email Aliases:
>>             1.5.1. Responsible Manager: at
>>             1.5.2. Responsible Engineer: jeff.cai at
>>             1.5.3. Marketing Manager:    glynn.foster at
>>             1.5.4. Interest List:        brian.cameron at
>>                                          darren.moffat at
>>                                          wyllys.ingersoll at
>> 2. Project Summary
>>    2.1. Project Description:
>>    Seahorse is a GNOME application for managing SSH, PGP keys and 
>> GNOME    keyrings.
>>    This update enables PGP support of Seahorse after GnuPG's integration.
>>    Thus with Seahorse a user can create and manage PGP keys.
>>    Seahorse Plugins integrates with nautilus and gedit for    
>> encryption/decryption  operations.
>>    After GnuPG's integration, the PGP security support is also enabled 
>> in    Evolution.
>>    Please refer to sections below for more information about how GnuPG
>>    is used in Nautilus, gedit, and Evolution.
>> 4. Technical Description:
>>    As a frontend of GnuPG, all operations on PGP keys are implemented 
>> by GnuPG    or GPGME.
>>       After enabling PGP supports in Seahorse, following new features 
>> are added.
>>    4.1 Create and Manage PGP keys
>>     To create a PGP key using seahorse, the user needs to give a 
>> description      of what the key is to be used for. The user needs to 
>> specify the     encryption type (DSA Elgamal, RSA or DSA),     the key 
>> strength (768-4096) and the passphrase for the key.
>>     The user can list or delete PGP keys. The user can also change the 
>>     passphrase for them.
>>     Seahorse invokes the interface functions provided by GPGME or 
>> 'gpg' command
>>     line to  finish all these operations.
>>     4.2 Exporting and Importing PGP Keys
>>     Seahorse can import PGP keys from the clipboard or a key file the 
>> same way     as SSH keys.
>>     Seahorse allows users to specify a PGP key file. Then Seahorse 
>> invokes APIs
>>     provided by GPGME to import the key.
>>     Users can also export PGP private or public keys to files.
>>     4.3 Signing the key
>>     Seahorse allows a user to sign a public PGP key with a private PGP 
>> key.     It also provides UI to allow the user to revoke it.
>>     4.4 Retrieve PGP public keys from servers or publish them to servers
>>     Keeps the user's and other's keys up to date by syncing keys 
>> periodically
>>     with remote key servers. Syncing will make sure that the user has 
>> the     latest signatures made on all of the keys so that the web of 
>> trust
>>     will be the most useful.
>>     Seahorse provides support for HKP and LDAP key servers.
>>     HKP Servers
>>        HKP keyservers are ordinary web based keyservers such as the 
>> popular
>>        hkp://, also accessible at
>>        Seahorse uses libsoup to access HKP servers.
>>     LDAP Keyservers
>>        LDAP keyservers are less common, but use the standard LDAP 
>> protocol
>>        to serve keys. ldap:// is a good LDAP server.
>>        Seahorse uses sunldap to access LDAP servers.
>>     4.5 Seahorse plugin for gedit
>>     This plugin adds three menu items in the gedit's 'Edit' menu:
>>     Sign, Decrypt/Verify and Encrypt.
>>     These menu options allow the user to sign/verify or 
>> encrypt/decrypt the     selected text.
>>     As a client of seahorse-daemon, it calls DBus interfaces provided in
>>     seahorse-daemon to finish all operations.
>>     4.6 Seahorse plugin for Nautilus
>>     This plugin enables the user to sign/verify or encrypt/decrypt
>>     files in Nautilus.
>>     After a file is signed or encrypted in Nautilus, a file with the same
>>     name but with a pgp or sig extension will be created.
>>     The user can also verify/decrypt the file in Nautilus.
>>     Nautilus calls a command line helper program 'seahorse-tool' which 
>> uses
>>     GPGME to finish the encryption operations.
>>     4.7 Encryption settings
>>     The user can use seahorse-preferences to configure some settings 
>> which
>>     include:
>>     * Default Key
>>       This is the key that will be used by applications and plugins to 
>> sign
>>       files. It will also be the key that files will be encrypted to if
>>       encrypt to self is selected.
>>       The default key id is saved in gconf
>>       ~/.gconf/desktop/pgp/default_key
>>     * When encrypting, always include myself as a recipient
>>       If the user does not select this checkbox, then the user is not 
>> included
>>       as a recipient, he will not be able to decrypt any files he 
>> encrypts.
>>       Sometimes the file will be encrypted using the other person's 
>> public key,
>>       then the file may be shared with that person in many ways such 
>> as email,       a website, USB drive or IM messenger. If the sender 
>> just wants to send
>>       an encrypted file and he still has the non-encrypted copy, he 
>> doesn't
>>       need to encrypt to self.
>>       This setting is saved in gconf and its default value is 'true'.
>>     4.8 Passphrase cache
>>        seahorse-agent helps the user cache the passphrase so that the 
>> user        can perform many operations that require entering the 
>> passphrase without        re-entering it every time.  It takes place 
>> of gpg-agent.
>>        There are several configurations for the passphrase cache:
>>           * Never remember passphrases,           * Remember 
>> passphreases for ... minutes,
>>           * Always remember passphrases whenever logged in
>>           * Ask me before using a cached passphrase
>>     4.9 Encryption Applet
>>        Encryption Applet performs the various encryption operations using
>>        standard OpenPGP methods. It operates on both the Ctrl-C/V and 
>> the        select/middle click clipboards. Simply copy the desired 
>> text using
>>        the method of the user's choice, select the encryption 
>> operation from
>>        the left click menu, follow the prompts and paste the new contents
>>        of the clipboard into your application or view them in a display
>>        window.
>>     4.10 Enable PGP security for Evolution
>>        With the integration of GnuPG, PGP security is enabled in 
>> Evolution.
>>        The user can sign/verify or encrypt/descrypt email messages.
>>        Evolution calls 'gpg' command line to finish all the operations.
>>     4.11 Interfaces:
>>          Following interfaces will be added:
>>          Exported Interfaces
>>            Interface                        Classification      Comments
>>          ---------------                    -------------- 
>> ------------------
>>          SUNWseahorse-plugins                Uncommitted    Package 
>> name          SUNWseahorse-plugins-root           Uncommitted    
>> Package name
>>          ~/.gconf/desktop/pgp             Volatile       Config file 
>> for seahorse-preferences.
>>          /usr/bin/seahorse-agent         Volatile       seahorse GPG 
>> agent for caching 
>>                                                         PGP passphrase.
>>          /usr/bin/seahorse-preferences   Volatile       preferences 
>> for configuring encryption
>>                             and passphrases cache.                   
>> /usr/bin/seahorse-tool          Volatile       a helper program that 
>> will encrypt/decrypt
>>                                                         or sign/verify 
>> a file
>>          /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/
>>            GNOME_SeahorseApplet.server   Volatile       the bonobo 
>> file for seahorse applet
>>          /usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/
>>                                          Volatile       seahorse 
>> plugin library for gedit
>>          /usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/seahorse-pgp.gedit-plugin
>>                                          Volatile       seahorse 
>> plugin description file for gedit
>>          /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-2.0/
>>         Volatile       the library 
>> file of seahorse plugin for Nautilus
>>          /usr/lib/seahorse/seahorse-applet
>>                                          Volatile       seahorse applet
>>          /usr/share/applications/seahorse-pgp-encrypted.desktop
>>                                          Volatile
>>                                                         desktop file 
>> for mime type 'application/pgp-encrypted'
>>          /usr/share/applications/seahorse-pgp-keys.desktop
>>                                          Volatile
>>                                                         desktop file 
>> for mime type 'application/pgp-keys'
>>          /usr/share/applications/seahorse-pgp-prepferences.desktop
>>                                          Volatile
>>                                                         desktop file 
>> for seahorse-preferences
>>          /usr/share/applications/seahorse-pgp-signature.desktop
>>                                          Volatile
>>                                                         desktop file 
>> for mime type 'application/pgp-signature'
>>          /usr/share/doc/SUNWseahorse-plugins/*          
>>                                          Volatile       doc files for 
>> seahorse plugins
>>          /usr/share/man/man1/seahorse-*                
>>                                          Volatile       man pages
>>          /usr/share/mime/packages/seahorse.xml          
>>                                          Volatile       a file defines 
>> new mime types
>>          /usr/share/seahorse-plugins/glade/*            
>>                                          Project Private  glade files
>>          /etc/gconf/schemas/seahorse-gedit.schemas      
>>                                          Volatile       seahorse 
>> plugin schema file for gedit
>>          /etc/gconf/schemas/seahorse-plugins.schemas    
>>                                          Volatile       schema file of 
>> seahorse-agent and seahorse-applet
>>                   Imported Interfaces
>>            Interface              Classification     Comments
>>          ---------------        --------------- -----------------------
>>            GnuPG                   Uncommitted       PSARC/2009/397 
>>            GPGME                   Uncommitted       PSARC/2009/397 
>>            sunldap                 Volatile          PSARC/1997/276 
>>            libsoup                 Volatile          LSARC/2003/298 
>>            libgpg-error            Volatile          LSARC/2008/207 
>>                4.12 Packaging & Delivery:
>>                  Two new packages are delivered.          
>> SUNWseahorse-plugins          SUNWseahorse-plugins-root
>>     4.13 Security Impact:
>>             Seahorse is just a GUI front-end GnuPG, so all encryption 
>> related tasks     are managed by GnuPG.
>>     Seahorse syncs public keys with key servers using the protocols 
>> LDAP and     HKP. The communication with the server is not encrypted.
>>     It is the user's responsibility to ensure the public key is valid 
>> or     trusted.
>>     Seahorse and Seahorse Plugins, like all GUI programs, depends on 
>> Xauth     security.
>>     These tools under review do not save sensitive information to 
>> files     directly. Instead, GnuPG does.
>>     4.9 Dependencies:
>>             Seahorse depends on GnuPG and GPGME to operate on PGP keys.
>>     Seahorse depends on sun ldap and libsoup to access key servers.
>>          5. References
>>         [1] Seahorse DBus Interfaces:
>>         [2] Project page:
>> 6. Resources and Schedule
>>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>>        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>>         Desktop
>>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open
>> 6. Resources and Schedule
>>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>>        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>>         OSD
>>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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