On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 02:43:17PM -0800, Rob Johnston wrote:
> Nicolas Williams wrote:
> >On the phone you characterized this debug log as a private interface.
> >Is that right?
> Yes - it's private and disabled by default.
> >To me that seems like a poor reason to complicate
> >process credentials setup of the daemon, though there's nothing fatally
> >wrong with doing that.  For a private debug logging facility I'd just
> >make the daemon take SIGUSR1/2 to enable/disable debug logging to
> >syslog, and be done.
> Yes, good point - and this seems like a reasonable way to go.  I will make 
> this change.

OK.  That simplifies things a bit.

> >As for core dumping...
> >
> >Why should a service set its process core pattern?  Why not use global
> >coreadm settings?  That seems like an architecturally significant
> >detail.
> This is how fmd(1m) has always behaved (it sets it's core pattern to drop 
> it's cores in /var/fm/fmd/), so there's precedence for this.  From 
> experience looking at a lot of fmd issues on customer systems, it has 
> helped us to know where the fmd cores are going to be and to know that all 
> of the fmd cores have been preserved and not overwritten.  Based on that 
> we'd like snmp-notify and smtp-notify to behave in a similar fashion.

Interesting.  If this is something that we want to do there must also be
a better way to do this...  I find it odd that this choice should force
daemons to run with euid == 0.

For example, we could have a directory, say, /var/core/noaccess/ owned
by noaccess (or perhaps with write perms for the noaccess group) into
which such daemons could drop core.  fmd may need privileges and euid==0
for other reasons -- such daemons should not drop core in a directory
that noaccess can write to.


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