Attached, please find the revision 3 of the GCC proposal addressing the 
following feedback:

1)  GCC should install in /usr/bin/gcc/<major.minor>.

2)  Committed interfaces stability is too high and should be lowered to 

3)  Gccfss components should be broken out into a separate package.

4)  libgomp.spec should be moved to version specific location.

Issues not addressed directly in the updated proposal:

Issue 1:
One additional issue occurred to me in the meantime: does it really make 
sense to deliver every version of the runtime libs in its own package, 
rather than having separate packages for (say) all libstdc++ runtime 
libs together?

Runtime library packages are versioned only by their major number. 
There will not be multiple packages for various minor and micro versions 
of the libraries.  For example, GCC 4.3.3 includes 
while GCC 4.4. includes  The current version of 
SUNWgcclibstdc6 will contain  When we release GCC 
4.4, the SUNWgcclibstdc6 will be updated to contain 
  At any point, SUNWgcclibstdc6 will only include the latest version of

Issue 2:
It's obvious you're including gccfss, but what are the consequences?  Do 
you replace the GCC SPARC backend by the Sun backend here?  This may not 
be appropriate, since this heavily deviates from the upstream FSF GCC, 
and may cause problems.  Have you run the GCC testsuite this way and 
compared the results to those with the GCC backend?  I think it should 
be possible for the user to select between gccfss and the regular GCC 
backend here.

We provide both the GCC backend and the Sun backend.  We include the GCC 
testsuite in our testing of the Sun backend.  The user is able to invoke 
the GCC backend under flag control.

Issue 3:
I hope you use Sun ld everywhere!


Are there any other questions or concerns that I missed?

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