I've attached updated pam_krb5.5 and pam_krb5.5.diffmarked.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 05:42:23PM -0600, Will Fiveash wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 02:52:51PM -0800, Gary Winiger wrote:
> > > The final spec and man page for the pam_krb5 pkinit project
> > > have been put into the case directory.  If there are no
> > > further objections, this case should get approved at the meeting
> > > this week.
> > 
> >     From message 60 of 17 Nov and not yet answered:
> > 
> > Gary..
> > ======
> > >From pkinit-final:
> > 
> >     "The pam_krb5 password module will change in that if PKINIT
> >     authentication was done it will return PAM_IGNORE in the following
> >     cases:
> >     
> >     - the new passwd is NULL
> >     - the old passwd is NULL
> >     - verification of the old passwd fails.
> >     
> >     If none of the above is true then pam_krb tries to change the password
> >     and will return an error if that fails.  The rational behind this is if
> >     some PAM module causes pam_acct_mgmt() to return PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD
> >     and/or the app subsequently calls pam_chauthtok(), pam_krb5 will change
> >     a user's password.  But this may well fail: the KDC may not want to
> >     allow a PKINIT user to change/set a password since the user may be
> >     expected to use PKINIT."
> > 
> > This information does not seem to be in the man page.  How does the
> > administrator know it?
> I will update the man page to include this.
> > Not being a pkinit expert, I'd like to understand how the password
> > stack will know if the user was authenticated by pkinit?
> A field in the krb module data struct will indicate this.
> > I feel TCR strong that the man page needs to be complete relative to this
> > part of the spec.  I'm also concerned that pam_krb5 in the password stack
> > won't likely be called without PAM_AUTHTOK or PAM_OLDAUTHTOK set.
> I am not changing the conditions under which pam_krb5 pam_sm_chauthtok()
> is being called, only it's behavior if pam_krb5 did PKINIT using a PIN
> (not the PAM_AUTHTOK password) in the auth stack.
> > Which call to pam_sm_chauthtok() PAM_PRELIM_CHECK and/or PAM_UPDATE_AUTHTOK
> > will be making these checks?
> The checks are made if the PAM_UPDATE_AUTHTOK flag is set.  The project
> is not changing the behavior of pam_sm_chauthtok() if the
> PAM_PRELIM_CHECK flag is set which is to return PAM_IGNORE.
> -- 
> Will Fiveash
> Sun Microsystems               Office x64079/512-401-1079
> Austin, TX, 78727              (TZ=CST6CDT), USA
> Internal Solaris Kerberos/GSS/SASL website: http://kerberos.sfbay.sun.com
> http://opensolaris.org/os/project/kerberos/

Will Fiveash
Sun Microsystems               Office x64079/512-401-1079
Austin, TX, 78727              (TZ=CST6CDT), USA
Internal Solaris Kerberos/GSS/SASL website: http://kerberos.sfbay.sun.com
-------------- next part --------------

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

     pam_krb5 - authentication, account,  session,  and  password
     management PAM modules for Kerberos V5


     The Kerberos V5 service module for PAM provides  functional-
     ity  for  all  four  PAM  modules:  authentication,  account
     management, session management, and password management. The
     service  module  is  a shared object that can be dynamically
     loaded to provide the necessary functionality  upon  demand.
     Its path is specified in the PAM configuration file.

  Kerberos Authentication Module
     The Kerberos V5 authentication component provides  functions
     to verify the identity of a user, pam_sm_authenticate(), and
     to manage the Kerberos credentials cache, pam_sm_setcred().

     pam_sm_authenticate() authenticates a user principal through
     the  Kerberos  authentication service. If the authentication
     request is successful, the authentication  service  sends  a
     ticket-granting  ticket  (TGT)  back  to the service module,
     which then verifies that the TGT came from a valid Key  Dis-
     tribution Center (KDC) by attempting to get a service ticket
     for the local host service. For this to succeed,  the  local
     host's  keytab file (/etc/krb5/krb5.keytab) must contain the
     entry for the local host service. For example, in  the  file
     host/hostname.com at REALM, hostname.com is the fully qualified
     local hostname and REALM is the default realm of  the  local
     host as defined in /etc/krb5/krb5.conf. If the host entry is
     not found in the  keytab  file,  the  authentication  fails.
     Administrators  may optionally disable this "strict" verifi-
     cation  by  setting  "verify_ap_req_nofail   =   false"   in
     /etc/krb5/krb5.conf.  See  krb5.conf(4)  for more details on
     this option. This allows TGT verification to succeed in  the
     absence of a keytab host principal entry.

     Note that if pam_sm_authenticate() is called and the
     "pkinit" module option is set the Kerberos V5 authentication
     module will try to do PKINIT authentication if both the
     system and the KDC are configured to support this type of
     authentication.  This form of authentication uses a user's
     certificate and private key to acquire the user's initial
     Kerberos credential (TGT).  Note that one of the keystore
     formats supported is PKCS11 which supports use of any PKCS11
     compatible keystore capable of storing the required
     credential and private key needed for PKINIT authentication
     (PKCS11 compatible smartcards are an example).  See
     krb5.conf(4) for more details on PKINIT configuration.  Also
     note that this form of authentication is typically useful
     for services where the system on which the auth stack is
     being processed has access to the user's certificate and
     private key.

     If pam_sm_authenticate() is called and the "pkinit" module
     option is not set then the Kerberos V5 authentication module
     will do password based authentication.
     In either case, if the PAM_AUTHTOK password item has been
     set when pam_sm_authenticate() is called, which is the case
     when pam_krb5 is stacked after pam_authtok_get in the auth
     stack, the Kerberos V5 authentication module will use that
     PAM_AUTHTOK password for either PKINIT or password based
     Kerberos authentication.

     If the PAM_USER item is not set pam_krb5 with the "pkinit"
     option will prompt for and set that item.

     If the PAM_AUTHTOK password item has not been set when
     pam_sm_authenticate() is called, which is the case when
     pam_krb5 is stacked before pam_authtok_get in the auth
     stack, and the "pkinit" option is present the Kerberos V5
     authentication module will allow the Kerberos pkinit preauth
     plugin to prompt for whatever information is needed to
     perform PKINIT (typically this will be for the user's PIN).
     No PAM items are set via this prompting.  See krb5.conf(5)
     for more information on PKINIT configuration options.
     If it is desirable to initially have the Kerberos V5
     authentication module try PKINIT Kerberos authentication and
     fall back to password based Kerberos authentication then
     either the sufficient or optional control flags must be
     provided for the instance of pam_krb5 with the "pkinit"
     module option set and another instance of pam_krb5 without
     the "pkinit" module option must be stacked below
     pam_authtok_get.  If there are PAM modules other than
     pam_krb5 that must be evaluated below pam_authtok_get then
     the control flag should be set to optional for the instance
     of pam_krb5 with the "pkinit" module option set otherwise
     the control flag should be set to sufficient.

     Note that only two instances of pam_krb5 are supported in a
     auth stack.

     pam_sm_authenticate(3PAM) may be passed the following flag:


         This  flag  is  ignored.  The  Kerberos   authentication
         mechanism  will  not  allow  an empty password string by

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Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

     pam_sm_setcred() creates and modifies the user's  credential
     cache.  This  function  initializes  the  user's  credential
     cache, if it does not already exist, and stores the  initial
     credentials  for  later  use  by Kerberized network applica-
     tions. The following flags may be set in  the  flags  field.
     They  are  best  described  by  their  effect  on the user's
     credential cache.


         Stores the initial credentials in the user's  credential
         cache  so that the user may access Kerberos network ser-
         vices. If a successful authentication pass was made, the
         new  credentials  are  stored  in  the credential cache,
         overwriting any existing credentials  that  were  previ-
         ously stored. If an unsuccessful authentication pass was
         made, PAM_CRED_UNAVAIL is returned.


         This flag has no effect  on  the  credential  cache  and
         always  returns PAM_SUCCESS. The credential cache is not
         deleted because there is no accurate method to determine
         if  the  credentials  are needed by another process. The
         credential cache may be  deleted  with  the  kdestroy(1)


         Deletes the user's  existing  credential  cache,  if  it
         exists,  and  creates  a  new  credential cache. The new
         credentials are stored in the new cache and  the  user's
         ticket  lifetime  and  renewable  life  time  values are


         Does not require a previous authentication pass, but  if
         a successful one is made, the new credentials are stored
         in the credential cache. If  a  previous  authentication
         pass  was  not  made  or was unsuccessful, an attempt to
         renew the existing credentials is made. Note  that  this
         function  fails  if the user's renewable ticket lifetime
         is expired.

     The following options can  be  passed  to  the  Kerberos  V5
     authentication module:

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    2

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

     debug     Provides  syslog(3C)  debugging   information   at
               LOG_DEBUG level.

     nowarn    Turns off warning messages.

     pkinit    Indicates that the Kerberos V5 authentication
               module should try Kerberos PKINIT authentication
               instead of the default password based Kerberos

  Kerberos V5 Account Management Module
     The Kerberos account management component provides  a  func-
     tion to perform account management, pam_sm_acct_mgmt(). This
     function checks to see if the pam_krb5 authentication module
     has noted that the user's password has not expired. The fol-
     lowing options may be passed in to the Kerberos  V5  account
     management module:

     debug     Provides  syslog(3C)  debugging   information   at
               LOG_DEBUG level

     nowarn    Turns off warning messages. Also, does  not  query
               KDC  for impending password expiration information
               used to warn the user.

  Kerberos V5 Session Management Module
     The Kerberos V5 session management component provides  func-
     tions   to   initiate  pam_sm_open_session()  and  terminate
     pam_sm_close_session() Kerberos sessions. For  Kerberos  V5,
     both pam_sm_open_session and pam_sm_close_session() are null
     functions, returning PAM_IGNORE.

  Kerberos V5 Password Management Module
     The Kerberos V5 password  management  component  provides  a
     function to change passwords, pam_sm_chauthtok(), in the Key
     Distribution Center (KDC) database. 

     Note that if the Kerberos V5 authentication module used
     PKINIT authentication in the auth stack then the Kerberos V5
     password management module will return PAM_IGNORE in the
     following cases:

     - The new password is NULL.
     - The old password is NULL.
     - Verification of the old password fails.

     The rational behind this is that the KDC may not allow a
     PKINIT user to change/set a password since the user may be
     expected to use PKINIT only.  If all of the cases above are
     false the Kerberos V5 password management module will try to
     change the user's password in the KDC database.
     Note, if the KDC only supports PKINIT authentication then
     the Kerberos V5 password management module should not be
     present in any password stacks.

     Related to PKINIT the Kerberos V5 password management module
     does not support changing the key store PIN used to access a
     user's private key and certificate.

     The following flags may be passed to pam_sm_chauthtok(3PAM):


         The password service should only update the user's  Ker-
         beros  password  if it is expired. Otherwise, this func-
         tion returns PAM_IGNORE. The  default  behaviour  is  to
         always change the user's Kerberos password.


         This is a null function that always returns PAM_IGNORE.


SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    3

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

         This flag is necessary to  change  the  user's  Kerberos
         password.  If  this  flag  is  not set, pam_krb5 returns

     The following option can be passed to the Kerberos V5  pass-
     word module:

     debug    Provides  syslog(3C)   debugging   information   at
              LOG_DEBUG level.

     The    following    error    codes    are    returned    for

     PAM_AUTH_ERR        Authentication failure

     PAM_BUF_ERR         Memory buffer error.

     PAM_IGNORE          The user is  "root"  and  the  root  key
                         exists in the default keytab.

     PAM_SUCCESS         Successfully obtained  Kerberos  creden-
                         tials .

     PAM_SYSTEM_ERR      System error.

     PAM_USER_UNKNOWN    An  unknown   Kerberos   principal   was

     The following error codes are returned for pam_sm_setcred():

     PAM_AUTH_ERR      Authentication failure.

     PAM_BUF_ERR       Memory buffer error.

     PAM_IGNORE        The user is "root" and the root key exists
                       in the default keytab.

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    4

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

     PAM_SYSTEM_ERR    System error.

     PAM_SUCCESS       Successfully modified the Kerberos creden-
                       tial cache.

     The    following    error    codes    are    returned    for

     PAM_AUTH_ERR            Authentication failure.

     PAM_IGNORE              Kerberos       service        module
                             pam_sm_authenticate()    was   never
                             called, or the user  is  "root"  and
                             the  root  key exists in the default

     PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD    Obtain new authentication token from
                             the user.

     PAM_SERVICE_ERR         Error in underlying service module.

     PAM_SUCCESS             Kerberos principal account is valid.

     PAM_SYSTEM_ERR          System error.

     PAM_USER_UNKNOWN        An unknown  Kerberos  principal  was

     The    following    error    code    is     returned     for
     pam_sm_open_session() and pam_sm_close_session():

     PAM_IGNORE    These two  functions  are  null  functions  in

     The    following    error    codes    are    returned    for

     PAM_AUTH_ERR            Authentication failure.

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    5

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

     PAM_IGNORE              The user has not been  authenticated
                             by     Kerberos    service    module
                             pam_sm_authenticate(), or  the  user
                             is "root" and the root key exists in
                             the default keytab.

     PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD    User's   Kerberos    password    has

     PAM_SERVICE_ERR         Error in module. At least one  input
                             parameter is missing.

     PAM_SYSTEM_ERR          System error.

     PAM_USER_UNKNOWN        An unknown  Kerberos  principal  was

     PAM_SUCCESS             Successfully changed the user's Ker-
                             beros password.

     Example 1  Authenticate  Users  Through  Kerberos  as  First
     Choice using password based authentication

     The following is an excerpt of a sample pam.conf  configura-
     tion  file  that  authenticates  users  through the Kerberos
     authentication service and authenticates  through  the  Unix
     login  only  if  the  Kerberos  authentication  fails.  This
     arrangement is helpful when a  majority  of  the  users  are
     networked by means of Kerberos and when there are only a few
     non-Kerberos type user accounts, such as root.  The  service
     illustrated below is for dtlogin.

       dtlogin auth requisite          pam_smartcard.so.1
       dtlogin auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       dtlogin auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
       dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       dtlogin auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1
       dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1

     Note that these changes should not be made to  the  existing
     krlogin,  krsh,  and ktelnet service entries. Those services

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    6

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

     require Kerberos authentication, so using a seemingly suffi-
     cient  control  flag  would  not provide the necessary func-
     tionality for privacy and integrity. There should be no need
     to change those entries.

     The following entries check  for  password  expiration  when
     dealing with Kerberos and Unix password aging policies:

       other   account requisite       pam_roles.so.1
       other   account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
       other   account required        pam_krb5.so.1

     The following entries would change the Kerberos password  of
     the user and continue to change the Unix login password only
     if the Kerberos password change had failed:

       other   password required       pam_dhkeys.so.1
       other   password requisite      pam_authtok_get.so.1
       other   password requisite      pam_authtok_check.so.1
       other   password sufficient     pam_krb5.so.1
       other   password required       pam_authtok_store.so.1

     When  changing   Kerberos   based   user's   password,   use
     kpasswd(1). When changing a non-Kerberos user's password, it
     is recommended that the repository is  specified  (-r)  with
     the passwd(1) command.

     Example 2 Authenticate Users Through Kerberos Only using
     password based authentication

     The following example allows authentication  only  to  users
     that have Kerberos-based accounts.

       dtlogin auth requisite          pam_smartcard.so.1
       dtlogin auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       dtlogin auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
       dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       dtlogin auth binding            pam_krb5.so.1
       dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    7

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

     Typically, you would have another service specified  in  the
     pam.conf  file  that  would allow local users, such as data-
     base, web server, system administrator accounts, to  log  in
     to  the  host machine. For example, the service name "login"
     could be used for these users. Note that these users  should
     not belong to any roles.

     The rest of the module types look similar to that  shown  in
     the previous example:

       other   account requisite       pam_roles.so.1
       other   account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
       other   account required        pam_krb5.so.1

     With binding specified in the  following,  it  is  important
     that non-Kerberos users specify the repository in which they
     reside using the -r option with the passwd(1) command.  This
     configuration is also based on the assumptions that:

         o    Kerberos users maintain only their  Kerberos  pass-

         o    changing their  Unix  password  is  not  necessary,
              given  that  they  are  authenticated  only through
              their Kerberos passwords when logging in.

       other   password required       pam_dhkeys.so.1
       other   password requisite      pam_authtok_get.so.1
       other   password requisite      pam_authtok_check.so.1
       other   password binding        pam_krb5.so.1
       other   password required       pam_authtok_store.so.1

     Example 3 Authenticate Through Kerberos Optionally using
     password based authentication

     This configuration is helpful when the majority of users are
     non-Kerberos  users  and  would like to authenticate through
     Kerberos if they happened to exist in the Kerberos database.
     The effect of this is similar to users voluntarily executing
     kinit(1) after they have successfully logged in:

       dtlogin auth requisite          pam_smartcard.so.1
       dtlogin auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       dtlogin auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    8

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

       dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
       dtlogin auth optional           pam_krb5.so.1

     The rest of the configuration is as follows:

       other   account requisite       pam_roles.so.1
       other   account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
       other   account required        pam_krb5.so.1

       other   password required       pam_dhkeys.so.1
       other   password requisite      pam_authtok_get.so.1
       other   password requisite      pam_authtok_check.so.1
       other   password required       pam_authtok_store.so.1
       other   password optional       pam_krb5.so.1

     Non-Kerberos users should specify their  respective  reposi-
     tories  by  using the -r option when changing their password
     with the passwd(1) command.

     Example 4: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT as First Choice

     The following is an excerpt of a sample pam.conf
     configuration file that authenticates users through the
     Kerberos authentication service and authenticates through
     the Unix login only if the Kerberos authentication (using
     PKINIT) fails.  This arrangement is helpful when a majority
     of the users are networked by means of Kerberos and when
     there are only a few non-Kerberos type user accounts, such
     as root.  The service illustrated below is for login.  Note,
     the user is prompted once for the PIN by pam_krb5.

       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       login auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       login auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1

    Example 5: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT Only

    The following example allows authentication only to users that have
    Kerberos-based accounts requiring PKINIT authentication.

       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit

    Example 6: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT Optionally

    The following example allows users to acquire a Kerberos
    credential using PKINIT authentication if they have a
    Kerberos account.  Whether pam_krb5 succeeds or fails the
    user must provide their Unix password in order to login. 

       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       login auth optional           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1

    Example 7: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT as a

    The following example allows users to login if pam_krb5 is
    able to acquire a Kerberos credential via PKINT
    authentication and in addition must provide their Unix
    password to pam_unix_auth.

       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1

    Example 8: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT as a
    requirement using the PAM_AUTHTOK password.

    The following example allows users to login using their
    PAM_AUTHTOK password acquired by pam_authtok_get.  This
    password would be used by pam_krb5 to try PKINIT
    authentication and would also be used by pam_unix_auth to
    authenticate the user via the user's Unix account.  If PKINIT
    requires a password/PIN that differs from the user's Unix
    password then pam_krb5 must be stacked above pam_authtok_get.

       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1

    Example 9: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT, fall
    back to password based krb auth if PKINIT fails.

    The following example allows users to acquire a Kerberos
    credential using PKINIT authentication or using password
    based authentication if PKINIT fails.  If PKINIT succeeds the
    user will not be prompted for their password.  Note, if
    pam_krb5 PKINIT succeeds, the second instance of pam_krb5
    will not try password authentication and will return success.
    If PKINIT fails the user will be prompted for their Kerberos

       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       login auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1

    Example 10: Require users to authenticate either through
    Kerberos PKINIT or fall back to password based krb auth if
    PKINIT fails and authenticate with other required PAM

    The following example allows users to acquire a Kerberos
    credential using PKINIT authentication or using password
    based authentication if PKINIT fails.  Note, if pam_krb5
    PKINIT succeeds, the second instance of pam_krb5 will not try
    password authentication and will just return ignore.  If
    pam_krb5 PKINIT fails the second instance of pam_krb5 will
    try password based authentication and return success or

       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       login auth optional           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1
       login auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1

    Example 11: Require users to authenticate either through
    Kerberos PKINIT or fall back to pam_pkcs11 auth if
    PKINIT fails.

    The following example allows users to acquire a Kerberos
    credential using PKINIT authentication or if that fails use
    pam_pkcs11 to validate the user's PIN using their certificate
    and private key.

       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
       login auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
       login auth sufficient         pam_pkcs11.so.1

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-

    |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
    | Interface Stability         | Evolving                    |

     kdestroy(1),      kinit(1),      kpasswd(1),      passwd(1),
     ktkt_warnd(1M),   libpam(3LIB),   pam(3PAM),   pam_sm(3PAM),
     pam_sm_acct_mgmt(3PAM),           pam_sm_authenticate(3PAM),
     pam_sm_chauthtok(3PAM),          pam_sm_close_session(3PAM),
     pam_sm_open_session(3PAM), pam_sm_setcred(3PAM), syslog(3C),
     pam.conf(4), attributes(5), kerberos(5), krb5envvar(5)

     The interfaces in libpam(3LIB)  are  MT-Safe  only  if  each
     thread  within  the  multi-threaded application uses its own
     PAM handle.

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    9

Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)

     On successful acquisition of  initial  credentials  (ticket-
     granting  ticket), ktkt_warnd(1M) will be notified, to alert
     the user when the initial credentials are about to expire.

SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                   10
-------------- next part --------------
--- pam_krb5_man_orig   Mon Dec 14 19:47:10 2009
+++ pam_krb5_man_pkinit Mon Dec 14 19:49:41 2009
@@ -1,657 +1,863 @@
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
      pam_krb5 - authentication, account,  session,  and  password
      management PAM modules for Kerberos V5
      The Kerberos V5 service module for PAM provides  functional-
      ity  for  all  four  PAM  modules:  authentication,  account
      management, session management, and password management. The
      service  module  is  a shared object that can be dynamically
      loaded to provide the necessary functionality  upon  demand.
      Its path is specified in the PAM configuration file.
   Kerberos Authentication Module
      The Kerberos V5 authentication component provides  functions
      to verify the identity of a user, pam_sm_authenticate(), and
      to manage the Kerberos credentials cache, pam_sm_setcred().
      pam_sm_authenticate() authenticates a user principal through
      the  Kerberos  authentication service. If the authentication
      request is successful, the authentication  service  sends  a
      ticket-granting  ticket  (TGT)  back  to the service module,
      which then verifies that the TGT came from a valid Key  Dis-
      tribution Center (KDC) by attempting to get a service ticket
      for the local host service. For this to succeed,  the  local
      host's  keytab file (/etc/krb5/krb5.keytab) must contain the
      entry for the local host service. For example, in  the  file
      host/hostname.com at REALM, hostname.com is the fully qualified
      local hostname and REALM is the default realm of  the  local
      host as defined in /etc/krb5/krb5.conf. If the host entry is
      not found in the  keytab  file,  the  authentication  fails.
      Administrators  may optionally disable this "strict" verifi-
      cation  by  setting  "verify_ap_req_nofail   =   false"   in
      /etc/krb5/krb5.conf.  See  krb5.conf(4)  for more details on
      this option. This allows TGT verification to succeed in  the
      absence of a keytab host principal entry.
+     Note that if pam_sm_authenticate() is called and the
+     "pkinit" module option is set the Kerberos V5 authentication
+     module will try to do PKINIT authentication if both the
+     system and the KDC are configured to support this type of
+     authentication.  This form of authentication uses a user's
+     certificate and private key to acquire the user's initial
+     Kerberos credential (TGT).  Note that one of the keystore
+     formats supported is PKCS11 which supports use of any PKCS11
+     compatible keystore capable of storing the required
+     credential and private key needed for PKINIT authentication
+     (PKCS11 compatible smartcards are an example).  See
+     krb5.conf(4) for more details on PKINIT configuration.  Also
+     note that this form of authentication is typically useful
+     for services where the system on which the auth stack is
+     being processed has access to the user's certificate and
+     private key.
+     If pam_sm_authenticate() is called and the "pkinit" module
+     option is not set then the Kerberos V5 authentication module
+     will do password based authentication.
+     In either case, if the PAM_AUTHTOK password item has been
+     set when pam_sm_authenticate() is called, which is the case
+     when pam_krb5 is stacked after pam_authtok_get in the auth
+     stack, the Kerberos V5 authentication module will use that
+     PAM_AUTHTOK password for either PKINIT or password based
+     Kerberos authentication.
+     If the PAM_USER item is not set pam_krb5 with the "pkinit"
+     option will prompt for and set that item.
+     If the PAM_AUTHTOK password item has not been set when
+     pam_sm_authenticate() is called, which is the case when
+     pam_krb5 is stacked before pam_authtok_get in the auth
+     stack, and the "pkinit" option is present the Kerberos V5
+     authentication module will allow the Kerberos pkinit preauth
+     plugin to prompt for whatever information is needed to
+     perform PKINIT (typically this will be for the user's PIN).
+     No PAM items are set via this prompting.  See krb5.conf(5)
+     for more information on PKINIT configuration options.
+     If it is desirable to initially have the Kerberos V5
+     authentication module try PKINIT Kerberos authentication and
+     fall back to password based Kerberos authentication then
+     either the sufficient or optional control flags must be
+     provided for the instance of pam_krb5 with the "pkinit"
+     module option set and another instance of pam_krb5 without
+     the "pkinit" module option must be stacked below
+     pam_authtok_get.  If there are PAM modules other than
+     pam_krb5 that must be evaluated below pam_authtok_get then
+     the control flag should be set to optional for the instance
+     of pam_krb5 with the "pkinit" module option set otherwise
+     the control flag should be set to sufficient.
+     Note that only two instances of pam_krb5 are supported in a
+     auth stack.
      pam_sm_authenticate(3PAM) may be passed the following flag:
          This  flag  is  ignored.  The  Kerberos   authentication
          mechanism  will  not  allow  an empty password string by
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    1
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
      pam_sm_setcred() creates and modifies the user's  credential
      cache.  This  function  initializes  the  user's  credential
      cache, if it does not already exist, and stores the  initial
      credentials  for  later  use  by Kerberized network applica-
      tions. The following flags may be set in  the  flags  field.
      They  are  best  described  by  their  effect  on the user's
      credential cache.
          Stores the initial credentials in the user's  credential
          cache  so that the user may access Kerberos network ser-
          vices. If a successful authentication pass was made, the
          new  credentials  are  stored  in  the credential cache,
          overwriting any existing credentials  that  were  previ-
          ously stored. If an unsuccessful authentication pass was
          made, PAM_CRED_UNAVAIL is returned.
          This flag has no effect  on  the  credential  cache  and
          always  returns PAM_SUCCESS. The credential cache is not
          deleted because there is no accurate method to determine
          if  the  credentials  are needed by another process. The
          credential cache may be  deleted  with  the  kdestroy(1)
          Deletes the user's  existing  credential  cache,  if  it
          exists,  and  creates  a  new  credential cache. The new
          credentials are stored in the new cache and  the  user's
          ticket  lifetime  and  renewable  life  time  values are
          Does not require a previous authentication pass, but  if
          a successful one is made, the new credentials are stored
          in the credential cache. If  a  previous  authentication
          pass  was  not  made  or was unsuccessful, an attempt to
          renew the existing credentials is made. Note  that  this
          function  fails  if the user's renewable ticket lifetime
          is expired.
      The following options can  be  passed  to  the  Kerberos  V5
      authentication module:
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    2
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
      debug     Provides  syslog(3C)  debugging   information   at
                LOG_DEBUG level.
      nowarn    Turns off warning messages.
+     pkinit    Indicates that the Kerberos V5 authentication
+               module should try Kerberos PKINIT authentication
+               instead of the default password based Kerberos
+               authentication.
   Kerberos V5 Account Management Module
      The Kerberos account management component provides  a  func-
      tion to perform account management, pam_sm_acct_mgmt(). This
      function checks to see if the pam_krb5 authentication module
      has noted that the user's password has not expired. The fol-
      lowing options may be passed in to the Kerberos  V5  account
      management module:
      debug     Provides  syslog(3C)  debugging   information   at
                LOG_DEBUG level
      nowarn    Turns off warning messages. Also, does  not  query
                KDC  for impending password expiration information
                used to warn the user.
   Kerberos V5 Session Management Module
      The Kerberos V5 session management component provides  func-
      tions   to   initiate  pam_sm_open_session()  and  terminate
      pam_sm_close_session() Kerberos sessions. For  Kerberos  V5,
      both pam_sm_open_session and pam_sm_close_session() are null
      functions, returning PAM_IGNORE.
   Kerberos V5 Password Management Module
      The Kerberos V5 password  management  component  provides  a
      function to change passwords, pam_sm_chauthtok(), in the Key
-     Distribution Center (KDC) database. The following flags  may
-     be passed to pam_sm_chauthtok(3PAM):
+     Distribution Center (KDC) database. 
+     Note that if the Kerberos V5 authentication module used
+     PKINIT authentication in the auth stack then the Kerberos V5
+     password management module will return PAM_IGNORE in the
+     following cases:
+     - The new password is NULL.
+     - The old password is NULL.
+     - Verification of the old password fails.
+     The rational behind this is that the KDC may not allow a
+     PKINIT user to change/set a password since the user may be
+     expected to use PKINIT only.  If all of the cases above are
+     false the Kerberos V5 password management module will try to
+     change the user's password in the KDC database.
+     Note, if the KDC only supports PKINIT authentication then
+     the Kerberos V5 password management module should not be
+     present in any password stacks.
+     Related to PKINIT the Kerberos V5 password management module
+     does not support changing the key store PIN used to access a
+     user's private key and certificate.
+     The following flags may be passed to pam_sm_chauthtok(3PAM):
          The password service should only update the user's  Ker-
          beros  password  if it is expired. Otherwise, this func-
          tion returns PAM_IGNORE. The  default  behaviour  is  to
          always change the user's Kerberos password.
          This is a null function that always returns PAM_IGNORE.
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    3
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
          This flag is necessary to  change  the  user's  Kerberos
          password.  If  this  flag  is  not set, pam_krb5 returns
      The following option can be passed to the Kerberos V5  pass-
      word module:
      debug    Provides  syslog(3C)   debugging   information   at
               LOG_DEBUG level.
      The    following    error    codes    are    returned    for
      PAM_AUTH_ERR        Authentication failure
      PAM_BUF_ERR         Memory buffer error.
      PAM_IGNORE          The user is  "root"  and  the  root  key
                          exists in the default keytab.
      PAM_SUCCESS         Successfully obtained  Kerberos  creden-
                          tials .
      PAM_SYSTEM_ERR      System error.
      PAM_USER_UNKNOWN    An  unknown   Kerberos   principal   was
      The following error codes are returned for pam_sm_setcred():
      PAM_AUTH_ERR      Authentication failure.
      PAM_BUF_ERR       Memory buffer error.
      PAM_IGNORE        The user is "root" and the root key exists
                        in the default keytab.
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    4
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
      PAM_SYSTEM_ERR    System error.
      PAM_SUCCESS       Successfully modified the Kerberos creden-
                        tial cache.
      The    following    error    codes    are    returned    for
      PAM_AUTH_ERR            Authentication failure.
      PAM_IGNORE              Kerberos       service        module
                              pam_sm_authenticate()    was   never
                              called, or the user  is  "root"  and
                              the  root  key exists in the default
      PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD    Obtain new authentication token from
                              the user.
      PAM_SERVICE_ERR         Error in underlying service module.
      PAM_SUCCESS             Kerberos principal account is valid.
      PAM_SYSTEM_ERR          System error.
      PAM_USER_UNKNOWN        An unknown  Kerberos  principal  was
      The    following    error    code    is     returned     for
      pam_sm_open_session() and pam_sm_close_session():
      PAM_IGNORE    These two  functions  are  null  functions  in
      The    following    error    codes    are    returned    for
      PAM_AUTH_ERR            Authentication failure.
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    5
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
      PAM_IGNORE              The user has not been  authenticated
                              by     Kerberos    service    module
                              pam_sm_authenticate(), or  the  user
                              is "root" and the root key exists in
                              the default keytab.
      PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD    User's   Kerberos    password    has
      PAM_SERVICE_ERR         Error in module. At least one  input
                              parameter is missing.
      PAM_SYSTEM_ERR          System error.
      PAM_USER_UNKNOWN        An unknown  Kerberos  principal  was
      PAM_SUCCESS             Successfully changed the user's Ker-
                              beros password.
      Example 1  Authenticate  Users  Through  Kerberos  as  First
-     Choice
+     Choice using password based authentication
      The following is an excerpt of a sample pam.conf  configura-
      tion  file  that  authenticates  users  through the Kerberos
      authentication service and authenticates  through  the  Unix
      login  only  if  the  Kerberos  authentication  fails.  This
      arrangement is helpful when a  majority  of  the  users  are
      networked by means of Kerberos and when there are only a few
      non-Kerberos type user accounts, such as root.  The  service
      illustrated below is for dtlogin.
        dtlogin auth requisite          pam_smartcard.so.1
        dtlogin auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
        dtlogin auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
        dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
        dtlogin auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1
        dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
      Note that these changes should not be made to  the  existing
      krlogin,  krsh,  and ktelnet service entries. Those services
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    6
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
      require Kerberos authentication, so using a seemingly suffi-
      cient  control  flag  would  not provide the necessary func-
      tionality for privacy and integrity. There should be no need
      to change those entries.
      The following entries check  for  password  expiration  when
      dealing with Kerberos and Unix password aging policies:
        other   account requisite       pam_roles.so.1
        other   account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
        other   account required        pam_krb5.so.1
      The following entries would change the Kerberos password  of
      the user and continue to change the Unix login password only
      if the Kerberos password change had failed:
        other   password required       pam_dhkeys.so.1
        other   password requisite      pam_authtok_get.so.1
        other   password requisite      pam_authtok_check.so.1
        other   password sufficient     pam_krb5.so.1
        other   password required       pam_authtok_store.so.1
      When  changing   Kerberos   based   user's   password,   use
      kpasswd(1). When changing a non-Kerberos user's password, it
      is recommended that the repository is  specified  (-r)  with
      the passwd(1) command.
-     Example 2 Authenticate Users Through Kerberos Only
+     Example 2 Authenticate Users Through Kerberos Only using
+     password based authentication
      The following example allows authentication  only  to  users
      that have Kerberos-based accounts.
        dtlogin auth requisite          pam_smartcard.so.1
        dtlogin auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
        dtlogin auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
        dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
        dtlogin auth binding            pam_krb5.so.1
        dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    7
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
      Typically, you would have another service specified  in  the
      pam.conf  file  that  would allow local users, such as data-
      base, web server, system administrator accounts, to  log  in
      to  the  host machine. For example, the service name "login"
      could be used for these users. Note that these users  should
      not belong to any roles.
      The rest of the module types look similar to that  shown  in
      the previous example:
        other   account requisite       pam_roles.so.1
        other   account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
        other   account required        pam_krb5.so.1
      With binding specified in the  following,  it  is  important
      that non-Kerberos users specify the repository in which they
      reside using the -r option with the passwd(1) command.  This
      configuration is also based on the assumptions that:
          o    Kerberos users maintain only their  Kerberos  pass-
          o    changing their  Unix  password  is  not  necessary,
               given  that  they  are  authenticated  only through
               their Kerberos passwords when logging in.
        other   password required       pam_dhkeys.so.1
        other   password requisite      pam_authtok_get.so.1
        other   password requisite      pam_authtok_check.so.1
        other   password binding        pam_krb5.so.1
        other   password required       pam_authtok_store.so.1
-     Example 3 Authenticate Through Kerberos Optionally
+     Example 3 Authenticate Through Kerberos Optionally using
+     password based authentication
      This configuration is helpful when the majority of users are
      non-Kerberos  users  and  would like to authenticate through
      Kerberos if they happened to exist in the Kerberos database.
      The effect of this is similar to users voluntarily executing
      kinit(1) after they have successfully logged in:
        dtlogin auth requisite          pam_smartcard.so.1
        dtlogin auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
        dtlogin auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    8
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
        dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
        dtlogin auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
        dtlogin auth optional           pam_krb5.so.1
      The rest of the configuration is as follows:
        other   account requisite       pam_roles.so.1
        other   account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
        other   account required        pam_krb5.so.1
        other   password required       pam_dhkeys.so.1
        other   password requisite      pam_authtok_get.so.1
        other   password requisite      pam_authtok_check.so.1
        other   password required       pam_authtok_store.so.1
        other   password optional       pam_krb5.so.1
      Non-Kerberos users should specify their  respective  reposi-
      tories  by  using the -r option when changing their password
      with the passwd(1) command.
+     Example 4: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT as First Choice
+     The following is an excerpt of a sample pam.conf
+     configuration file that authenticates users through the
+     Kerberos authentication service and authenticates through
+     the Unix login only if the Kerberos authentication (using
+     PKINIT) fails.  This arrangement is helpful when a majority
+     of the users are networked by means of Kerberos and when
+     there are only a few non-Kerberos type user accounts, such
+     as root.  The service illustrated below is for login.  Note,
+     the user is prompted once for the PIN by pam_krb5.
+       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
+       login auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
+       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
+    Example 5: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT Only
+    The following example allows authentication only to users that have
+    Kerberos-based accounts requiring PKINIT authentication.
+       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
+    Example 6: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT Optionally
+    The following example allows users to acquire a Kerberos
+    credential using PKINIT authentication if they have a
+    Kerberos account.  Whether pam_krb5 succeeds or fails the
+    user must provide their Unix password in order to login. 
+       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
+       login auth optional           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
+       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
+    Example 7: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT as a
+    requirement.
+    The following example allows users to login if pam_krb5 is
+    able to acquire a Kerberos credential via PKINT
+    authentication and in addition must provide their Unix
+    password to pam_unix_auth.
+       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
+       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
+    Example 8: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT as a
+    requirement using the PAM_AUTHTOK password.
+    The following example allows users to login using their
+    PAM_AUTHTOK password acquired by pam_authtok_get.  This
+    password would be used by pam_krb5 to try PKINIT
+    authentication and would also be used by pam_unix_auth to
+    authenticate the user via the user's Unix account.  If PKINIT
+    requires a password/PIN that differs from the user's Unix
+    password then pam_krb5 must be stacked above pam_authtok_get.
+       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
+       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
+       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
+    Example 9: Authenticate Users Through Kerberos PKINIT, fall
+    back to password based krb auth if PKINIT fails.
+    The following example allows users to acquire a Kerberos
+    credential using PKINIT authentication or using password
+    based authentication if PKINIT fails.  If PKINIT succeeds the
+    user will not be prompted for their password.  Note, if
+    pam_krb5 PKINIT succeeds, the second instance of pam_krb5
+    will not try password authentication and will return success.
+    If PKINIT fails the user will be prompted for their Kerberos
+    password.
+       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
+       login auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
+       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1
+    Example 10: Require users to authenticate either through
+    Kerberos PKINIT or fall back to password based krb auth if
+    PKINIT fails and authenticate with other required PAM
+    modules.
+    The following example allows users to acquire a Kerberos
+    credential using PKINIT authentication or using password
+    based authentication if PKINIT fails.  Note, if pam_krb5
+    PKINIT succeeds, the second instance of pam_krb5 will not try
+    password authentication and will just return ignore.  If
+    pam_krb5 PKINIT fails the second instance of pam_krb5 will
+    try password based authentication and return success or
+    failure.
+       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
+       login auth optional           pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
+       login auth requisite          pam_authtok_get.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_krb5.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_dhkeys.so.1
+       login auth required           pam_unix_auth.so.1
+    Example 11: Require users to authenticate either through
+    Kerberos PKINIT or fall back to pam_pkcs11 auth if
+    PKINIT fails.
+    The following example allows users to acquire a Kerberos
+    credential using PKINIT authentication or if that fails use
+    pam_pkcs11 to validate the user's PIN using their certificate
+    and private key.
+       login auth required           pam_unix_cred.so.1
+       login auth sufficient         pam_krb5.so.1 pkinit
+       login auth sufficient         pam_pkcs11.so.1
      See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
     |       ATTRIBUTE TYPE        |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE       |
     | Interface Stability         | Evolving                    |
      kdestroy(1),      kinit(1),      kpasswd(1),      passwd(1),
      ktkt_warnd(1M),   libpam(3LIB),   pam(3PAM),   pam_sm(3PAM),
      pam_sm_acct_mgmt(3PAM),           pam_sm_authenticate(3PAM),
      pam_sm_chauthtok(3PAM),          pam_sm_close_session(3PAM),
      pam_sm_open_session(3PAM), pam_sm_setcred(3PAM), syslog(3C),
      pam.conf(4), attributes(5), kerberos(5), krb5envvar(5)
      The interfaces in libpam(3LIB)  are  MT-Safe  only  if  each
      thread  within  the  multi-threaded application uses its own
      PAM handle.
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                    9
 Standards, Environments, and Macros                   pam_krb5(5)
      On successful acquisition of  initial  credentials  (ticket-
      granting  ticket), ktkt_warnd(1M) will be notified, to alert
      the user when the initial credentials are about to expire.
 SunOS 5.11           Last change: 8 Apr 2008                   10

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