Hi John:

Thank you very much for your response. Please see 6.4.7:
6.4.7. Target RTI Date/Release:
           9/22/08, targeting build 100
       Solaris 10 Update 9
       The iSER initiator is required to be backported to S10U9 and
           needs a patch binding

This patch binding is only for iser initiator side.
It doesn't contain iscsit, itadm, stmf or any target related things.


John Fischer wrote:
> Bing,
> Am I to assume that the interfaces listed in section 4.5 are Committed?
>>     4.5. Interfaces:
>>         Imported:
>>             libstmf
>>             STMF port provider API
>>         Exported:
>>             itadm CLI for iSCSI target management
>>             libiscsit 
> Thanks,
> John
> Mark A. Carlson wrote:
>> I am sponsoring this case for Bing Zhao. It requests a patch
>> binding for iSER, updating PSARC 2008/395 as a result.
>> I do not expect this to be controversial so I have marked it
>> Self Review, but am happy to start a timer if an ARC member
>> so desires or significant discussion ensues.
>> -- mark
>> Template Version: @(#)onepager.txt 1.35 07/11/07 SMI
>> Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
>> 1. Introduction
>>    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>>        iSER: iSCSI Extensions for RDMA
>>    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>>        Bing Zhao
>>    1.3. Date of This Document:
>>        1/08/10
>>     1.3.1. Date this project was conceived:
>>            8/1/07
>>    1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s):
>>     1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project:
>>            Solaris PAC
>>     1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project:
>>            PSARC
>>     1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project:
>>            scott.tracy at sun.com
>>     1.4.4. The name of your business unit:
>>            Software
>>    1.5. Email Aliases:
>>         1.5.1. Responsible Manager: peter.buckingham at sun.com
>>         1.5.2. Responsible Engineer: peter.dunlap at sun.com
>>         1.5.3. Marketing Manager: margaret.hamburger at sunc.om
>>     1.5.4. Interest List: iser-dev at opensolaris.org
>> 2. Project Summary
>>    2.1. Project Description:
>>        iSCSI Extensions for RDMA (iSER) accelerates the iSCSI 
>> protocol by
>>        mapping the data transfer phases to Remote DMA (RDMA) operations.
>>        As a result an iSER initiator should be able to read and write 
>> data
>>        from an iSER target at high data rates with relatively low CPU
>>        utilization compared to iSCSI using TCP/IP. This project will 
>> implement
>>        both an iSER initiator and an iSER target. In addition, the 
>> project will
>>        implement an iSCSI port provider (iscsit) for the SCSI Target 
>> Mode
>>        Framework (STMF) introduced by PSARC 2007/523 adding an iSCSI 
>> transport
>>        option to the existing Fibre Channel support. The iSER target 
>> will be an
>>        extension of this iSCSI port provider.
>>    2.2. Risks and Assumptions:
>>        This project does not replace the existing iSCSI target (PSARC 
>> 2005/441)
>>        although it is intended to become the preferred iSCSI target
>>        implementation since future SCSI target development will be 
>> focused
>>        around STMF.
>> 3. Business Summary
>>        Solaris currently lacks a high performance low latency storage 
>> protocol
>>        for Infiniband networks.  This is inhibiting the adoption of 
>> Solaris in
>>        the HPC space which relies heavily on Infiniband.
>>    3.1. Problem Area:
>>        Need an Infiniband storage protocol
>>    3.2. Market/Requester:
>>        Software
>>    3.3. Business Justification:
>>    3.4. Competitive Analysis:
>>        Linux and Windows provide both iSER and iSCSI initiators.  Linux
>>        provides an iSCSI target implementation as well.
>>    3.5. Opportunity Window/Exposure:
>>    3.6. How will you know when you are done?:
>>        Both iSER and software iSCSI transport should provide comparable
>>        performance to Linux and Windows offerings on the same 
>> hardware as
>>        well as interoperating with those same Linux and Windows
>>        implementations.
>> 4. Technical Description:
>>     4.1. Details:
>>         iSER will be implemented as a pluggable transport capability so
>>         that a modified iSCSI initiator and the new iSCSI target can use
>>         either TCP/IP transport or iSER (via Infiniband) transport.
>>         The case materials describe the approach in more detail.
>>     4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
>>         6702584 Need iSCSI port provider for COMSTAR
>>         6702591 COMSTAR iSCSI port provider needs to support iSER 
>> transport
>>     4.3. In Scope:
>>         Standards compliant iSER initiator and target implementations
>>         Standards compliant iSCSI target implementation
>>     4.4. Out of Scope:
>>         Integration between the new iSCSI target and ZFS (a future 
>> project
>>         should address this)
>>     4.5. Interfaces:
>>         Imported:
>>             libstmf
>>             STMF port provider API
>>         Exported:
>>             itadm CLI for iSCSI target management
>>             libiscsit
>>     4.6. Doc Impact:
>>         COMSTAR/STMF documentation will need modifications to 
>> describe the
>>         new iSCSI transport capability.
>>         iSCSI documentation will need to be modified to describe
>>         configuring iSER connections.
>>     4.7. Admin/Config Impact:
>>         The iSCSI administrative tools (iscsiadm(1m) and itadm(1m) in 
>> this
>>         case) are not expected to require any modifications for iSER.
>>         iSER transport is automatically selected for iSCSI connections
>>         established on an iSER-capable network.
>>     4.8. HA Impact:
>>         N/A
>>     4.9. I18N/L10N Impact:
>>         N/A
>>     4.10. Packaging&  Delivery:
>>         No modifications to existing packages
>>     4.11. Security Impact:
>>         The iSCSI target will listen for new iSCSI connections on any 
>> port
>>         configured by the user (default is 3260).
>>     4.12. Dependencies:
>>         No dependencies on other projects
>> 5. Reference Documents:
>>     iSER/iSCSI COMSTAR OpenSolaris project page:
>>              http://www.opensolaris.org/os/project/iser
>>     RFC3720: Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI)
>>     RFC5046: Internal Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
>>     Extensions for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA)
>>     RFC5047: DA: Datamover Architecture for the Internal Small
>>     Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
>>     PSARC 2007/523 COMSTAR: Common Multiprotocol SCSI Target
>>     PSARC 2007/153 iSCSI target provider
>>     PSARC 2006/622 iSCSI/ZFS integration
>>     PSARC 2005/441 iSCSI Target Project
>> 6. Resources and Schedule:
>>    6.1. Projected Availability:
>>        Q1FY09
>>    6.2. Cost of Effort:
>>        5 people for 12 months
>>    6.3. Cost of Capital Resources:
>>        $100,000
>>    6.4. Product Approval Committee requested information:
>>        6.4.1. Consolidation or Component Name:
>>            NWS
>>     6.4.3. Type of CPT Review and Approval expected:
>>            Standard
>>         6.4.4. Project Boundary Conditions:
>>            N/A
>>     6.4.5. Is this a necessary project for OEM agreements:
>>            No
>>     6.4.6. Notes:
>>     6.4.7. Target RTI Date/Release:
>>            9/22/08, targeting build 100
>>        Solaris 10 Update 9
>>        The iSER initiator is required to be backported to S10U9 and
>>            needs a patch binding
>>     6.4.8. Target Code Design Review Date: 7/31/08
>>     6.4.9. Update approval addition:
>>            N/A
>>    6.5. ARC review type:
>>        Standard
>>    6.6. ARC Exposure:
>>        Open
>> 7. Prototype Availability:
>>    7.1. Prototype Availability:
>>        iSCSI target prototype was available 4/25/08
>>        iSER initiator and target should be available 7/1/08
>>    7.2. Prototype Cost:
>>        N/A
>> _______________________________________________
>> opensolaris-arc mailing list
>> opensolaris-arc at opensolaris.org

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