Thanks Daniel  :-)

Daniel Hain wrote:
> This case was approved at yesterday's meeting.
> Dan
> On 01/ 8/10 07:56 PM, Daniel Hain wrote:
>> I'm submitting this fasttrack for Sonam Gupta to update the existing ESP
>> Ghostscript with the latest GPL Ghostscript.  The project is seeking 
>> patch
>> binding for implementation in S10.  Timeout is 01/15/2010.
>> - Dan
>> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
>> This information is Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems
>> 1. Introduction
>>      1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>>      Upgrade GPL Ghostscript to version 8.64
>>      1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>>      Author:  Sonam Gupta
>>      1.3  Date of This Document:
>>     08 January, 2010
>> 4. Technical Description
>> Project Description:
>> This project replaces ESP Ghostscript(version 8.15.4) with the latest
>> version, now called GPL Ghostscript (version 8.64).
>> Technical Description:
>> Ghostscript (gs) is a set of software that provides:
>>     * An interpreter for the PostScriptTM language and the Adobe
>>       Portable Document Format (PDF -- sometimes confused with Acrobat,
>>       Adobe's PDF browser and editor product);
>>     * Input modules (utilities) for reading a variety of raster formats,
>>       including CMYK, GIF, JFIF (JPEG), MIFF, PBM/PGM/PPM, and PCX;
>>     * Output modules (drivers) for a wide variety of window systems
>>       (including X Windows and Microsoft Windows), raster file formats,
>>       and printers, as well as a PDF output module that implements
>>       functions similar to Adobe's AcrobatTM DistillerTM product; and
>>     * The Ghostscript library, a set of procedures to implement the
>>       graphics and filtering capabilities that are primitive operations
>>       in the PostScript language and in PDF.
>>     This fasttrack will upgrade ESP Ghostscript(version 8.15.4) to
>>     GPL Ghostscript (version 8.64)
>>     As part of the upgrade to Ghostscript 8.64, we will be delivering 
>> the
>>     development interfaces, available in the Ghostscript distribution,
>>     for third party open source applications to be able to take 
>> advantage of.
>>     These interfaces are a required component of more recent desktop
>>     applications like Evince.
>>     This project's release binding is Patch.
>> Interfaces:
>> The following contain the list of interfaces imported and exported.
>> Exported Interfaces
>> ===================
>> Interface Name                    Classification              Comments
>> ---------------------------         -------------------     
>> ---------------------------
>> /usr/sfw/lib/                         Volatile          
>> Ghostscript shared library
>> /usr/sfw/lib/                       Volatile          
>> Ghostscript shared library
>> /usr/sfw/lib/                    Volatile          
>> Ghostscript shared library
>> /usr/sfw/include/ghostscript                  Volatile          
>> Ghostscript header files directory
>> /usr/sfw/include/ghostscript/iapi.h           Volatile          
>> Ghostscript header files
>> /usr/sfw/include/ghostscript/ierrors.h        Volatile          
>> Ghostscript header files
>> /usr/sfw/include/ghostscript/gdevdsp.h        Volatile          
>> Ghostscript header files
>> /usr/sfw/bin/gsx                              Volatile          GTK+ 
>> frontend to
>> /usr/sfw/bin/gsc                              Volatile          
>> command-line frontend to
>> /usr/sfw/bin/gs                      Volatile        gs binary
>> Ghostscript "wrapper" scripts
>> =============================
>> Interface                         Classification                Comments
>> ---------                     ----------------              ----------
>> bdftops                    Volatile        Convert BDF fonts to 
>> outline form
>> dumphint                Volatile        print (to stdout) linearized 
>> PDF                                     hint tables in an 
>> easy-to-read form
>> dvipdf                    Volatile        convert Tex DVI files to PDF
>> eps2eps                    Volatile        Ghostscript PS optimizer
>>                Volatile        Patches postscript generated
>>                                 by MS Word printer drivers so
>>                                 they work with Ghostview 1.5
>> font2c                    Volatile        Converts PS Type 0 or 1 font
>>                                 to C code that can be
>> gsbj                    Volatile        Format&  print text for
>>                                 BubbleJet printer using GS
>> gsdj                    Volatile        Format&  print text for
>>                                 DeskJet printer using GS
>> gsdj500                    Volatile        Format&  print text for
>>                                 DeskJet 500 printer using GS
>> gslj                    Volatile        Format&  print text for
>>                                 LaserJet printer using GS
>> gslp                    Volatile        Format&  print text using
>>                                 ghostscript
>> gsnd                    Volatile        Run ghostscript without
>>                                 display
>> pdf2dsc                    Volatile        Converts PDF to DSC
>> pdf2ps                    Volatile        Converts PDF to PS
>> pdfopt                    Volatile        A PDF optimizer
>> pf2afm                    Volatile        Produces AFM from PFA, PFB,
>>                                 PFM files
>> pfbtopfa                Volatile        Convert PFB to PFA
>> pphs                    Volatile        printing the Primary Hint Stream
>>                                 of a linearized PDF file.
>> printafm                Volatile        Print AFM on stdout
>> ps2ascii                Volatile        ASCII from PS files
>> ps2epsi                    Volatile        Convert PS to EPSI
>> ps2pdf                    Volatile        Convert PS to PDF
>> ps2pdf12                 Volatile        Convert PS to PDF 1.2
>> ps2pdf13                Volatile        Convert PS to PDF 1.3
>> ps2pdf14                Volatile        Convert PS to PDF 1.4
>> ps2pdfwr                Volatile        Convert PS to PDF w/o
>>                                 specifying Compatibility
>>                                 Level
>> ps2ps                    Volatile        PostScript optimizer
>> ps2ps2                    Volatile        similarl to ps2ps
>>                    Volatile        Preview a specified page of a
>>                                 DVI file
>> wftopfa                    Volatile        Converts Wadalab (Japanese)
>>                                 base font to PFA/PFB
>> GSinterface                Volatile        Interface script 
>> for                                     Solaris       
>> Imported Interfaces
>> ===================
>> Interface Name                        Classification    Comments
>> ---------------------------            --------------  
>> ------------------------
>> /usr/lib/        Volatile    LSARC/2003/273
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2009/203
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2009/203
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2009/203       
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2008/510
>> /usr/lib/            Committed    LSARC/2002/145
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2008/510   
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2008/510
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2009/203
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2008/510
>> /usr/lib/        Evolving    LSARC 2001/384
>> /usr/lib/        Committed    LSARC/2009/203
>> Standard C Library Functions
>> References:
>> PSARC/2002/619:  Ghostscript Integration
>> PSARC/2007/615:  Move foomatic, hpijs, gimp-print, and GhostScript to 
>> /usr
>> PSARC/2009/417:  Deliver shared library and Ghostscript 
>> header files
>> 6. Resources and Schedule
>>      6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>>         6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>>         SFW
>>      6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>>      6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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