Looks reasonable.  Will you also be providing a section 9f man page for 
kernel/driver developers?

    - Garrett

Darren Reed wrote:
> Introduction
> ============
> As part of an earlier project, the macros created for 4.4BSD were
> added to the system as part of the project's implementation. This
> case seeks to document those interfaces and to make them available
> for wider use on Solaris. The interfaces included as a part of this
> case provide an easy to use, type safe, implementation of linked
> lists and queues. In addition to providing the aforementioned
> interfaces to internal developers, the delivery of the interfaces
> in this case has increased the compatibility of Open/Solaris with
> open source applications from other platforms.
> A man page can be found within the case directory.
> The man page and implementation both originate from NetBSD.
> This case seeks patch binding.
> Details
> =======
> The current implementation of the BSD macros for supporting both list
> and queue data structures is found within /usr/include/sys/queue.h.
> The filename and location have been mirrored on Solaris. This file
> introduces the following types of data structures:
> * single linked list
> * double linked list
> * tail queue & singly linked tail queue
> * simple queue
> * circular queue
> Single Linked List
> ------------------
> A singly-linked list is headed by a single forward pointer. The
> elements are singly linked for minimum space and pointer manipulation
> overhead at the expense of O(n) removal for arbitrary elements. New
> elements can be added to the list after an existing element or at the
> head of the list.  Elements being removed from the head of the list
> should use the explicit macro for this purpose for optimum
> efficiency. A singly-linked list may only be traversed in the forward
> direction.  Singly-linked lists are ideal for applications with large
> datasets and few or no removals or for implementing a LIFO queue.
> Double Linked List
> ------------------
> A list is headed by a single forward pointer (or an array of forward
> pointers for a hash table header). The elements are doubly linked
> so that an arbitrary element can be removed without a need to
> traverse the list. New elements can be added to the list before
> or after an existing element or at the head of the list. A list
> may only be traversed in the forward direction.
> Simple Queue
> ------------
> A simple queue is headed by a pair of pointers, one the head of the
> list and the other to the tail of the list. The elements are singly
> linked to save space, so elements can only be removed from the
> head of the list. New elements can be added to the list after
> an existing element, at the head of the list, or at the end of the
> list. A simple queue may only be traversed in the forward direction.
> Tail queue
> ----------
> A tail queue is headed by a pair of pointers, one to the head of the
> list and the other to the tail of the list. The elements are doubly
> linked so that an arbitrary element can be removed without a need to
> traverse the list. New elements can be added to the list before or
> after an existing element, at the head of the list, or at the end of
> the list. A tail queue may be traversed in either direction.
> Circle Queue
> ------------
> A circle queue is headed by a pair of pointers, one to the head of the
> list and the other to the tail of the list. The elements are doubly
> linked so that an arbitrary element can be removed without a need to
> traverse the list. New elements can be added to the list before or after
> an existing element, at the head of the list, or at the end of the list.
> A circle queue may be traversed in either direction, but has a more
> complex end of list detection.
> Interfaces
> ==========
> <sys/queue.h>              Committed
> LIST_HEAD                  Committed
> LIST_ENTRY                 Committed
> LIST_INIT                  Committed
> LIST_INSERT_AFTER          Committed
> LIST_INSERT_BEFORE         Committed
> LIST_INSERT_HEAD           Committed
> LIST_REMOVE                Committed
> LIST_FOREACH               Committed
> LIST_EMPTY                 Committed
> LIST_FIRST                 Committed
> LIST_NEXT                  Committed
> SLIST_HEAD                 Committed
> SLIST_ENTRY                Committed
> SLIST_INIT                 Committed
> SLIST_INSERT_AFTER         Committed
> SLIST_INSERT_HEAD          Committed
> SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD          Committed
> SLIST_REMOVE               Committed
> SLIST_FOREACH              Committed
> SLIST_EMPTY                Committed
> SLIST_FIRST                Committed
> SLIST_NEXT                 Committed
> STAILQ_HEAD                Committed
> STAILQ_ENTRY               Committed
> STAILQ_INIT                Committed
> STAILQ_INSERT_HEAD         Committed
> STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL         Committed
> STAILQ_INSERT_AFTER        Committed
> STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD         Committed
> STAILQ_REMOVE              Committed
> STAILQ_FOREACH             Committed
> STAILQ_EMPTY               Committed
> STAILQ_FIRST               Committed
> STAILQ_NEXT                Committed
> SIMPLEQ_HEAD               Committed
> SIMPLEQ_ENTRY              Committed
> SIMPLEQ_INIT               Committed
> SIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEAD        Committed
> SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL        Committed
> SIMPLEQ_INSERT_AFTER       Committed
> SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD        Committed
> SIMPLEQ_REMOVE             Committed
> SIMPLEQ_FOREACH            Committed
> SIMPLEQ_EMPTY              Committed
> SIMPLEQ_FIRST              Committed
> SIMPLEQ_NEXT               Committed
> TAILQ_HEAD                 Committed
> TAILQ_ENTRY                Committed
> TAILQ_INIT                 Committed
> TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD          Committed
> TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL          Committed
> TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER         Committed
> TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE        Committed
> TAILQ_REMOVE               Committed
> TAILQ_FOREACH              Committed
> TAILQ_EMPTY                Committed
> TAILQ_FIRST                Committed
> TAILQ_NEXT                 Committed
> TAILQ_LAST                 Committed
> TAILQ_PREV                 Committed
> CIRCLEQ_HEAD               Committed
> CIRCLEQ_ENTRY              Committed
> CIRCLEQ_INIT               Committed
> CIRCLEQ_INSERT_AFTER       Committed
> CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD        Committed
> CIRCLEQ_INSERT_TAIL        Committed
> CIRCLEQ_REMOVE             Committed
> CIRCLEQ_FOREACH            Committed
> CIRCLEQ_EMPTY              Committed
> CIRCLEQ_FIRST              Committed
> CIRCLEQ_LAST               Committed
> CIRCLEQ_NEXT               Committed
> CIRCLEQ_PREV               Committed
> CIRCLEQ_LOOP_NEXT          Committed
> CIRCLEQ_LOOP_PREV          Committed

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