I am sponsoring the following fasttrack for Mark Shellenbaum.  This
case modifies the behavior of ZFS acls to improve the interoperability
story when ZFS file systems are shared using NFS and CIFS.  The case
seeks micro/patch binding.  Timeout is 2/2/2010.

Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
This information is Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems
1. Introduction
    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
         Improved ACL interoperability
    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Mark Shellenbaum
    1.3  Date of This Document:
        26 January, 2010

4. Technical Description

Executive Summary:

This case changes the default behavior of ACLs for CIFS and NFS so that
it is easier to understand with *fewer* configuration knobs. The
new default behavior remains POSIX compliant and is more in line with 
the expectation of CIFS users, local ZFS users, and NFS users. This
case does not introduce any changes that would cause files to have more 
permissable access than the previous behavior.


A number of issues have turned up with trying to do cross protocol (NFS/CIFS)
sharing of ZFS file systems.  

  -  Deny ACES in standard trivial ACLs cause issues for
     the Windows ACL GUI, which then results in ACLs being resorted
     and the access to the file changed.

  -  ZFS computes a mode based on the presence of the owner@, group@ and
     everyone@ ACES. The Solaris CIFS server usually creates files that
     only have a user and group ACE and no owner@, group@ or everyone@ entries.
     This is because Windows has no knowledge of owner@ and group@ ACEs.  Those
     are NFSv4 extensions.  This results in files being created with a mode of
     zero and that confuses customers.

  -  chmod(2) behavior under ZFS has caused a lot of confusion among customers. 
     ZFS tries to preserve ACLs during chmod(2) and this often causes the
     ACL to change in a very non-intuitive way and results in a constant stream
     of questions on multiple mailing lists. The chmod(2) behavior also
     gives the Windows ACL GUI issues due to the insertion of deny ACEs.


  - ZFS can create trivial ACLs that don't require deny ACEs for all but
    unusual permissions. For example a mode of 0644, 0755, 0664 do not need
    deny ACEs, but modes, such as 0705, 0060 and so on, will require deny ACEs.
    Examples of the new layout are described later in this document.

  - Inheritance changes. ZFS "splits" ACEs into multiple ACES during 
    to try to preserve the original permission unmodified. It does this
    by creating a "inherit_only" ACE. This has been a point of confusion with
    customers who don't understand where the "inherit_only" ACE came from.  
    The solution is to stop doing the "splitting" operation and just modify 
    the permissions as necessary to enforce the mode of file create.   

  - The semantics of the "aclinherit" property will change to include 
    "trimming" down permissions when the property is set to "restricted".
    The effect of this will be the same as what the old "aclmode" property would
    do when set to "groupmask", except that it won't be doing the ACE splitting
    described above.
  - ZFS appears to be the only file system supporting NFSv4 ACLs 
    that attempts to preserve ACLs during chmod(2) operations. Unfortunately,
    this requires the ACL to be modified in ways that are confusing to 
    customers and the time has come to stop the confusion and to just 
    "discard" the ACL during chmod(2) operations. This implies that the ZFS 
    aclmode property will no longer be needed and will be removed from ZFS.

  - New mode calculation rules. If an ACL has a "user" ACE that is also the
    file owner, then those permissions will be included in the computation
    of the mode. The same is also true if a "group" ACE is the group owner
    of the file.

New ACE Layout Examples

        File with a mode of 0644:

        -rw-r--r--   1 root     staff          5 Dec  9 13:18 file.1

        File with a mode of 0777:

        -rwxrwxrwx   1 root     staff          5 Dec  9 13:18 file.1

        File with a mode of 0466:

        -r--rw-rw-   1 root     staff          5 Dec  9 13:18 file.1

        Deny entry is required to prevent owner from picking up write
        permission from the group@ or everyone@ entry.

        File with a mode of 0447:

        -r--r--rwx   1 root     staff          5 Dec  9 13:18 file.1

        Deny entries are needed for both owner@ and group@ entries to prevent
        the owner or group owner from picking up write/execute permission
        from the everyone@ entry.
        File with a mode of 0707:

        -rwx---rwx   1 root     staff          5 Dec  9 13:18 file.1

        The owner@ allow entry is needed to prevent the group@ deny entry 
        from taking the owners read/write/execute permission away.

ACE Inheritance

        Parent directory has the following ACL:

        drwxr-xr-x+  2 root     root           2 Dec  9 14:18 dir.1

        A simple file create in directory dir.1 will result in the following 

        # touch file.1
        # ls -V file.1
        -rw-r--r--+  1 root     root           0 Dec  9 14:20 file.1

        The inherited ACE for marks was reduced to be no greater than the group
        permissions because the "aclmode" property is set to "restricted."
        If the "aclinherit" property was set to "passthrough" then the inherited
        permissions for "marks" would have been "rwxp."

        Now, lets create a directory.

        # mkdir dir.2
        # ls -dV dir.2
        drwxr-xr-x+  2 root     root           2 Dec  9 14:21 dir.2

        The inherited ACE for 'marks' was reduced to be no greater than 
        the group permissions because the "aclinherit" property is set to 

        With the aclinherit property set to passthrough the full ACE 
        permissions are inherited as follows:

        # touch file.2
        # ls -V file.2
        -rw-r--r--+  1 root     root           0 Dec  9 14:24 file.2

Chmod Behavior

        The new chmod behavior is to always "discard" the ACL and replace
        it with a new ACL that represents the new mode as specified to the
        chmod(2) syscall.

        # ls -V file.2
        -rw-r--r--+  1 root     root           0 Dec  9 14:24 file.2
        # chmod 640 file.2
        # ls -V file.2
        -rw-r-----   1 root     root           0 Dec  9 14:24 file.2

Mode Computation Example

        -rwxr-----+  1 marks    staff          0 Dec  9 14:24 file.2

        The mode in this example is 740 because the user "marks" is the owner 
        of the file and "marks" is also a member of group staff. Previously,
        only owner@, group@ or everyone@ are considered in the mode 
        computation, but if a "user" or "group" ACE is the file owner or file 
        group owner then those will be used in additional to the owner@, 
        group@ and everyone@ entries.

Man Page diffs

<      aclmode=discard | groupmask | passthrough
<          Controls how an ACL is modified during chmod(2). A  file
<          system  with  an aclmode property of discard deletes all
<          ACL entries that do not represent the mode of the  file.
<          An  aclmode  property of groupmask (the default) reduces
<          user or group permissions. The permissions are  reduced,
<          such  that they are no greater than the group permission
<          bits, unless it is a user entry that has the same UID as
<          the  owner  of  the file or directory. In this case, the
<          ACL permissions are reduced so that they are no  greater
<          than  owner  permission  bits.  A  file  system  with an
<          aclmode  property  of  passthrough  indicates  that   no
<          changes  are  made  to the ACL other than generating the
<          necessary ACL entries to represent the new mode  of  the
<          file or directory.
<        aclmode          property
<        pool/home/bob  aclmode               groupmask              default

6. Resources and Schedule
    6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
    6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
    6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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