The timer has passed, there was at least one +1, there are no open 
issues and nobody derailed, so I am marking this closed approved.

On 03/11/10 11:23, Brian Utterback wrote:
> I am sponsoring this fasttrack on behalf of Lukas Rovensky. Binding is patch. 
> Time
> out is 03/18/2010.
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.69 02/15/10 SMI
> This information is Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>      1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        Removing MySQL 4.0 from OpenSolaris
>      1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Lukas Rovensky
>      1.3  Date of This Document:
>       11 March, 2010
> 4. Technical Description
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.64 07/13/07 SMI
> This information is Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
> 1.1 Project/Component Working Name:
>       Removing MySQL 4.0 from OpenSolaris
> 1.2 Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>      Author: Sunanda Menon (original author)
>              Lukas Rovensky (current author)
> 1.3 Date of This Document:
>      10 March, 2010
> 1.4 Introduction
>      This FastTrack will EOL the MySQL 4.0 from OpenSolaris and obsolete
>      MySQL 4.0 interfaces in Solaris 10.
>      All products and users should migrate to 5.1, as MySQL 4.0 is an end
>      of life product.
> 1.5 Previous Relevant ARC cases
>      LSARC/2004/324 - SIP Proxy Server
>      LSARC/2009/062 - Including MySQL 5.1 with Solaris
> 2.  Technical issues
> 2.1 Changes to existing code
>      All references to MySQL 4.0 in the SIP Express Router (SER) will be
>      updated to reference to the new location at /usr/mysql.  See
>      CR 6799158, [3], which addresses this task.
> 2.2 Upgrade procedure for existing users of SER
>      After the new SER packages are installed then the database
>      upgrade procedure on MySQL pages:
>      need to be followed on current installations, to ensure that the tables
>      created with /etc/sfw/ser/ will be upgraded to the current
>      MySQL version.
>      New SER users can use the set up procedure described at [2].
>      Certainly, the way MySQL 5.1 is installed and run differs from
>      Solaris 10 and MySQL 5.1 man pages should be referred.
> 2.3 Risks and Assumptions
>      All MySQL 4.0 users/products will have been updated to use 5.1 by
>      the time Solaris Next ships.  It is also expected that SER will not
>      be part of Solaris Next, since in accordance with its project
>      pages, [4], SER developers joined SIP Router project, [5], and
>      SER itself is no longer developed.  Having a dead open source
>      product included in Solaris Next does not make sense.  Should
>      a SIP router like product be part of Solaris Next then most likely
>      SIP Router, [5], shall replace SER, [4].
> 2.4 SMF
>      No changes as MySQL 4.0 does not have any smf support.
> 3. Documentation
>      SER documentation on [2] may be upgraded supposing SIP/ser
>      stays in OpenSolaris / Solaris Next, see section 2.3.  Note,
>      that for Solaris 10 this document is still valid.
>      Obsoleting MySQL 4 interfaces in Solaris 10 will be announced
>      in release notes for Solaris 10.  MySQL 4 man page in Solaris 10
>      needs to be updated to reflect this change -- Interface Stability
>      will be set to "External, Obsolete".
> 4. Packaging and Delivery
>      SUNWmysqlr, SUNWmysqlu and SUNWmysqlt packages will be removed.
> 5. Interfaces
>      All the interfaces described below will be obsoleted in Solaris 10.
>      MySQL 4.0 binaries from /usr/sfw/bin will be removed:
>        mysqladmin
>        mysqlcheck
>        mysqlshow
>        mysqldump
>        mysqlimport
>        mysqlbinlog
>        mysqlmanagerc
>        mysqlmanager-pwgen
>        replace
>        comp_err
>        perror
>        resolveip
>        my_print_defaults
>        resolve_stack_dump
>        mysql_install
>        mysql_waitpid
>        isamchk
>        isamlog
>        pack_isam
>        myisamchk
>        myisamlog
>        myisampack
>        mysql_install_db
>        make_win_src_distribution
>        msql2mysql
>        mysql_config
>        mysql_fix_privilege_tables
>        mysql_fix_extensions
>        mysql_setpermission
>        mysql_secure_installation
>        mysql_zap
>        mysqlaccess
>        mysqlbug
>        mysql_convert_table_format
>        mysql_find_rows
>        mysqlhotcopy
>        mysqldumpslow
>        mysql_explain_log
>        mysql_tableinfo
>        mysqld_multi
>        mysqlmanager
>      MySQL 4.0 libraries from /usr/sfw/lib will be removed:
>        /usr/sfw/lib/mysql - entire directory
>        libmystrings.a
>        libdbug.a
>        libmysys.a
>        libnisam.a
>        libmerge.a
>        libmyisam.a
>        libmyisammrg.a
>        libheap.a
>        libvio.a
>     MySQL 4.0 man pages from /usr/sfw/man/man1 will be removed:
>        mysql.1
>        mysql_fix_privilege_tables.1
>        mysql_zap.1
>        mysqlaccess.1
>        mysqladmin.1
>        mysqld.1
>        mysqld_multi.1
>        mysqld_safe.1
>        mysqldump.1
>        mysqlshow.1
>        isamchk.1
>        isamlog.1
>     MySQL 4.0 include files from /usr/sfw/mysql/include will be removed
>     including the entire directory.
>     MySQL 4.0 tests in /usr/sfw/mysql will be removed, including the
>     entire directory.
>     MySQL 4.0 I18N and config files at /usr/sfw/share/mysql/ will
>     be removed, including the entire directory, and the file
>     /usr/sfw/share/info/
> 6.    References
>   [1] []
>   [2] 
> []
>   [3] CR 6799158 Update SER to link the MySQL 5.1 instead of the MySQL 4.0,
>   [4]
>   [5]
>   [6] CR 6631906 Removal of MySQL 4.0
> 7. Resources and Schedule
> 7.4. Steering Committee requested information
> 7.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
> sfw
> 7.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
> 7.6. ARC Exposure: open
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>      6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               SFW
>      6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>      6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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