Darren J Moffat wrote:
> So what work needs to be funded in the desktop consolidation and other
> consolidations to allow the move away from HAL to upower/udisks ?

The X consolidation is already planning the Xorg updates needed to move
input device handling from HAL to direct calls to the same system libraries
that HAL previously called - the upstream X.Org community already did the
Linux implementation of this for the just released Xorg 1.8, which now
calls Linux's libudev directly on Linux platforms, and is waiting for the
maintainers of the other platform ports to do the same before removing the
HAL support completely:

(Nothing X used from HAL is replaced by upower/udisks - some HAL functionality
 is just not provided by any cross-platform replacements in the post-HAL world.)

        -Alan Coopersmith-        alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System

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