This case was approved at today's PSARC meeting.  I marked the IAM file
as "closed approved fast-track 04/28/2010".


On 04/13/10 05:53 PM, Brian Cameron wrote:

Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.70 03/30/10 SMI
This information is Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All 
rights reserved.
1. Introduction
     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
         Time Slider Phase 2 (external backup)
     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Brian Cameron
     1.3  Date of This Document:
        13 April, 2010
4. Technical Description
1. Introduction
     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
         Time Slider Phase 2 (external backup)
     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Erwann Chenede,  Niall Power
     1.3  Date of This Document:
         Apr 8, 2010

4. Technical Description

     Time slider's primary purpose is to enable automatic ZFS snapshots to be
     taken for the user.
     This project's goal is to provide an external backup solution on top of
     Time Slider's local ZFS snapshot feature.

     Within the time slider setup dialog the user will only need to specify a
     path to an external filesystem where ZFS filesystem snapshots will be
     replicated using rsync and the filesystems the user wishes to replicate.

     This project makes the following high level changes :

     - auto-snapshot:
       Functional components responsible for scheduling, creation, deletion
       and backup of snapshots are to be replaced by a more modular
       scheduler provided by time slider. All interfaces are backward
          compatible or replaced. These interfaces are currently uncommitted.
          What remains of auto-snapshot are its SMF service instances which
          define automatic snapshot schedules.

     - time-slider:
       Replacement of the functional components removed from auto-snapshot
       via a snapshot daemon managed by the time-slider SMF service and
          introduction of a plugin mechanism to allow various types of
          time based backup strategies to be implemented.

     4.1 Details:

         4.1.1 Auto Snapshot :

        auto-snapshot as previously described in (LSARC 2008/571),
        consists of several SMF service instances (one per schedule: hourly,
        daily, weekly, monthly&  frequent by default).
        A SMF service method reads the configuration properties for a given
        schedule and creates a cron job that matches the schedule parameters
        for each instance.
        The cron job command is the auto-snapshot service method script
        invoked with arguments that cause it to execute in a snapshot
        creation operational mode. Additionally, the auto-snapshot SMF
        service provides a project private hook to allow execution of an
        administrator specified command immediately after creation of a
        scheduled snapshot set, which allows for a basic backup or
        replication mechanism.

        As an example for illustrative purposes only, an administrator could
        set the value of this property to:
        "ssh host zfs receive -d poolB/received"
        When a snapshot set is created the auto-snapshot service invokes
        "/usr/sbin/zfs send [-i<previous>]<snapshot>"
        for each snapshot in the set and pipes the output to the
        administrator defined backup command which will receive the
        snapshot stream through standard input redirection.
        If it is the only existing snapshot matching the specified
        dataset and schedule, a full snapshot stream is created.
        Otherwise, if previous snapshots matching the dataset and schedule
        exist, an incremental difference stream between the previous and
        new snapshot is generated using the "-i" argument.
        In the above example, snapshot streams will be received and
        replicated on "host" under the target filesystem:

        This feature is rather limited and has a number of drawbacks that
        make it unsuitable for further enhancement. The major issues with
        it are:
            - It can only send data in ZFS snapshot stream format and the
              mechanism to determine whether to send incremental or full
              snapshot streams is poor. It would incorrectly send a full
              stream instead of an incremental stream if all previous
              snapshots matching a given schedule and dataset were
              destroyed for example. Or worse, if the backup command
              feature was enabled some time after the containing
              auto-snapshot service was enabled and at least one snapshot
              event occurred, then it would incorrectly send an
              incremental stream instead of a full stream. In short, it
              has no way of knowing about relevant, previous events.
            - It can't operate asynchronously, it blocks when called and
              the auto-snapshot service waits until the backup command
            - If a backup can't be performed at the moment of the creation
              of a snapshot set for whatever reason, it can't be deferred
              until a more appropriate time in the future.

        Time slider phase 2 will replace this feature with a more modular
        and flexible plugin framework.

        For phase 2 of time slider, auto-snapshot will be greatly
        simplified and the SMF method script used to start and stop it's
        service instances will no longer include this snapshot taking
        functionality nor will it create cron jobs in the role user
        zfssnap's cron tab to go with it.
        What will remain is the SMF instance along with it's private,
        properties, and a simpler SMF start/stop method script that will
        be limited to performing validation and sanity checking of the
        configuration of each auto-snapshot instance. The Time Slider
        service will process the configuration of each auto-snapshot SMF
        instance and schedule snapshotting actions accordingly.

       4.1.2 Time Slider :

        Time slider will enhance the existing time slider smf service:
        "svc:/application/time-slider:default" by managing a new
        project private daemon (/usr/lib/time-sliderd). The daemon
        replaces a number of existing features and provides new
        additional features.

        Replacement features of the time slider service daemon include:

        - creation and management of automatic snapshots (both default
          and custom defined) as defined by all enabled SMF instances of
          the auto-snapshot service. This is a direct replacement for the
          snapshot creation/destruction and cron scheduling features of
          the existing auto-snapshot mechanism.

        - Integrates the functionality of /usr/lib/time-slider-cleanup:
          The auto-snapshot service performs no monitoring of available
          space on the ZFS Zpools upon which it creates automatic
          snapshots. auto-snapshot has retention rules that govern how
          many snapshots are kept according to each schedule (eg. 12
          monthly snapshots, 24 hourly snapshots) but a ZFS Zpool fills
          up due to these snapshots grabbing too much space on the Zpool
          before they reach their "sell by date" and get removed by the
          auto-snapshot service then it will go unnoticed and
          auto-snapshot will not take any remedial action.
          The existing solution to this is provided by:
          svc:/application/time-slider:default, which scheduled cron jobs
          alongside those created by the auto-snapshot SMF instances.
          The additional cron job invoked /usr/lib/time-slider-cleanup
          at regular intervals to monitor Zpool capacity and take remedial
          action if necessary to remove sufficient snapshots to maintain
          a Zpool capacity. /usr/lib/time-slider-cleanup is a project
          private interface, and all of the functionality of
          /usr/lib/time-slider-cleanup is integrated into the new time
          slider daemon

        - Adds a D-Bus based messaging system.
          Previously, when /usr/lib/time-slider-cleanup had to
          perform remedial action to recover space on a ZPool,
          it notified desktop users by executing the project private
          interface /usr/lib/time-slider-notify
          Doing so involved some nasty hacks including identifying
          users logged into the system on a desktop session, su'ing
          to their user id and scanning their desktop environment in
          order to launch /usr/lib/time-slider-notify on their desktop
          with appropriate arguments and environment variables to pop up
          the relevant notification on their desktop.
          The new time-slider service daemon makes use of D-Bus
          (LSARC/2006/368) to provide a centralized system message
          passing service. The message passing service provides
          information on the severity of the situation and the actions
          take by time-slider to remedy the situation. The notification
          applet /usr/lib/time-slider-notify is no longer executed by
          /usr/lib/time-slider-cleanup (nor it's functional replacement
          within the new daemon: /usr/lib/time-sliderd). Instead it is
          launched automatically as part of the desktop user's session
          and upon startup, registers with the message service provided
          by time slider on the system D-Bus.
          It receives asynchronous notification when remedial actions
          occur. The communication between the time-slider service and
          applets listening on the system D-Bus is one way only from
          service to applet. There are no interfaces defined to allow
          applets or other D-Bus clients to execute commands on the
          time-slider service.

        New, additional features of the time slider service:
        - Supports ZFS snapshot holds and deferred deletion:
          Time slider now uses deferred deletion as introduced by PSARC/2009/297
          which will add compatibility with snapshots that have user holds
          placed on them.

        - A flexible plugin mechanism that facilitates various backup or
          replication mechanisms.
          A new time slider plugin service is provided via SMF:

          The plugin service defines no "default" plugin instance.
          Plugins are represented as instances of the plugin SMF
          service. For example, the rsync plugin instance is specified by
          the following project private SMF FMRI:

          Additional plugins can in future be added by creating new
          instances of the pluginSMF service eg. a new plugin called
          "my-custom-backup: would have the following SMF FMRI:
          The plugin mechanism and it's SMF interfaces are project

          As per the standard property inheritance model of SMF, all
          plugin instances inherit SMF configuration property values from
          svc:/application/time-slider/plugin. Property values can
          optionally be overrided, and new configuration property values
          unique to a specific plugin instance can be defined. This forms
          the basis for time slider's plugin framework. All plugin SMF
          instances and properties defined within are project private.

          svc:/application/time-slider/plugin defines the following
          properties. The following format is used to describe the
        <property-group/property-name>  type=defaultvalue

        <plugin/trigger_command>  string=Not Set
          A fully expanded command path including all required arguments
          for execution of a trigger command. The purpose of the
          trigger command is to receive notification from time slider
          when a scheduled snapshot event occurs. The trigger command
          can opt to take immediate action or defer further action until
          some later time. To assist the trigger command to identify
          exactly what snapshots were taken and what auto-snapshot
          schedule they belong to time-slider provides additional
          project private environmental variables to the trigger
          AUTOSNAP_LABEL: the snapshot name component after the "@"
                          corresponding to the snapshot set just
                          eg. "rp...@zfs-auto-snap:daily-abcdef
                          In this case AUTOSNAP_LABEL would be:
          AUTOSNAP_FMRI: the FMRI of the autosnapshot schedule instance
                         corresponding to the just created snapshot
                         set. For the above AUTOSNAP_LABEL example,
                         the AUTOSNAP_FMRI value would be:
          PLUGIN_FMRI: the FMRI of the plugin instance that time-slider
                       is invoking the trigger command on behalf of eg.
        <plugin/verbose>  boolean=false
          Produce extra verbose output. Useful for debugging purposes.

        <plugin/trigger_on>  string= hourly,daily,weekly,monthly
          Plugins may not be interested in certain snapshot schedules
          eg. a frequent snapshot that takes place several times an
          hour and with a very short lifespan on the system might not
          be of interest to a nightly backup.
          This project private property allows customization of what
          snapshot schedules a plugin should get notified about. A
          wildcard value of "All" is supported which matches all
          schedules. Otherwise a comma separated list of auto-snapshot
          schedule instance names is excepted. Only the instance name
          of the FMRI and not the full FMRI is required eg. "daily"
          instead of "svc:/system/filesystem/zfs/auto-snapshot:daily"

          With the above information, plugins can identify the
          snapshots involved and the schedules that match them and further
          details if necessary. Depending on the specific implementation,
          the plugin can decide whether to take immediate action, no
          action, or defer action until a more appropriate time later.
          Options available to plugins include tagging snapshots to
          identify them for later operations, or if necessary, placing
          a hold using ZFS holds to ensure the snapshot does not get
          destroyed before the plugin has had an opportunity to take
          action against it such as archival or replication. The
          time-slider service will co-operate with any holds placed on
          snapshots by using deferred deletion to destroy them, but it
          becomes the responsibility of the plugin to later release the
          previous hold once it no further need of the snapshot.

          Once time slider has invoked a plugin instance's trigger
          command, it will not block on the plugin's trigger command, so
          that snapshot scheduling and other operations are not
          disrupted while waiting for the plugin trigger command to
          exit. Time slider will not however, invoke a given plugin
          instances' trigger command again while a previous invocation
          of the same command is still running.
          Enabling and disabling of plugins is achieved by using
          svcadm (1M) to enable or disable a specified plugin instance
          eg.(/usr/sbin/svcadm enable svc:/application/time-slider/plugin:rsync
          /usr/sbin/svcadm disable svc:/application/time-slider/plugin:rsync)
          Time slider keeps track of the enabled status of plugins and
          ignores plugins that are disabled or in SMF maintenance mode.
          Enabling and disabling of plugins is project private and is managed
          by the setup GUI (/usr/bin/time-slider-setup) and occurs when an
          authorized user changes configuration to either enable or disable the
          rsync plugin.
          Time Slider will provide 2 project private plugins:
          - An rsync plugin that will archive snapshots of tagged
            filesystems to the specified backup target (a locally visible
            filesystem path).
          - a zfs-send plugin that provides feature equivalence and
            compatibility for the project private feature present in
            existing auto-snapshot SMF service instances. The plugin
            will supply ZFS snapshot streams in the same format as the
            existing auto-snapshot feature does for compatibility with
            the auto-snapshot project private feature.

          Further project private plugins can be added by creation of
          additional instances of the SMF service:

       4.1.3 Rsync Plugin Details:

        The rsync plugin consists of two components:
        - A trigger command invoked by time-sliderd :
          When a scheduled snapshot event occurs that the rsync
          plugin is interested in, this script identifies the set of
          ZFS filesystem snapshots that were just previously created.
          The rsync plugin looks for a project private ZFS user
          "org.opensolaris:time-slider-rsync" amongst the ZFS filesystems
          to identify those whose snapshots should be archived.
          This allows fine-grained control over what what filesystems get
          backed up.
          From this, the trigger command determines the subset of the
          snapshot set that should be backed up by rsync. It tags the
          selected snapshots using a project private ZFS user property:
          It sets a value of "pending" to indicate that the snapshot
          should be backed up as soon as possible by rsync.

        - A backup command that performs the actual rsync backup:
         This command is executed as a cron job run every 30 minutes.
         The command is project private. The cron job is setup in
         root's crontab when the rsync plugin instance is enabled and
         online, and removed when disabled or offline.
         The rsync-backup script also supports a project private direct
         form of invocation. This enables the rsync backup to be operated
         in both scheduled and adhoc manners. To ensure only one instance
         of the rsync backup command is executing at any given moment,
         the first running instance creates and obtains an exclusive,
         non-blocking lock file under "/tmp/.time-slide/rsync-backup.lock"
         The lock file is a  project private interface. Subsequent parallel
         invocations of the rsync-backup script will immediately exit when
         they cannot exclusively lock the lock file. The lock on the file
         is automatically released when the process owning it exits either
         normally or abnormally.
         If the configured rsync backup target is not accessible the
         command simply exits. Otherwise it performs cleanup operations
         on the backup target then proceeds to work through the queue of
         snapshots that were previously tagged earlier with the project
         private ZFS dataset user property:
         To provide user notification, it registers with the system D-Bus
         service and sends D-Bus messages corresponding to it's status
         and current activities. The D-Bus interfaces it provides for
         consumption by the notification applet are project private.
         The communication path via the system D-Bus is one way only and
         there are no interfaces available to clients to run queries or
         execute commands on the backup service. It's purpose is for
         notification to the desktop applet only.
       4.1.4 GUI Changes:

        The configuration GUI (time-slider-setup) has been extended to
        support configuration of the rsync plugin as an option, including
        individual filesystem selection for rsync backup.
        Because the rsync plugin backs up snapshots of ZFS filesystems
        rather than the live filesystem, a strict subset policy is
        enforced in the selection ie. It is not possible to select a
        filesystem for rsync archival without it first being selected
        for automatic snapshotting.

        Desktop Notification Applet

        The notification applet as previously ARC'ed under LSARC 2008/571
        is now automatically launched as part of a user's desktop session.
        On startup it registers with the system D-Bus service, and listens to
        project private D-Bus system events that inform it when the
        rsync plugin is active and the activities that it is performing.
        It uses these notifications to provide appropriate visual notification
        on the user's desktop.

       4.1.5 Security:

        As SMF services, configuration of auto-snapshot, time-slider and
        time slider plugin services instances is restricted to authorized
        users and is enforced by the SMF administration commands such
        as svcadm(1M) and svccfg(1M). Unauthorized and non-privileged
        users can not modify, enable or disable these services.

        The setup GUI requires the Primary Administrator profile to
        launch to ensure the user is authorized to perform configuration
        of all features of time slider.

        Configuration relating to the datasets time-slider operates on
        both in terms of snapshotting and archival using the
        rsync plugin is based on ZFS dataset user properties. The
        services will only snapshot datasets and backup snapshots on
        appropriately tagged datasets. Tagging any type of ZFS dataset
        is a restricted operation performed using the zfs(1M) command
        which restrict these operations to authorized users only.

        To reduce the risk of potentially sensitive data being backed up
        to untrusted locations, the rsync plugin only permits backups to
        locally attached storage such as external storage devices or
        trusted network filesystems with local mount points (eg. NFS)
        Backup to remote devices using network protocols is not
        supported. Furthermore, the administrator has full control over
        what ZFS filesystems get backed up using rsync via the time slider
        setup GUI (/usr/bin/time-slider-setup), which allows individual
        ZFS filesystem selection/deselection.

     Please refer to :

    4.2 Bug/RFE Number(s):

    4.5 Interfaces:

New Imported Interfaces:
ZFS snapshot holds (PSARC/2009/297)
D-Bus Message Bus System (LSARC/2006/368)
Add rsync command to Solaris WOS (PSARC/2006/642)

New Exported Interfaces:
svc:/application/time-slider/plugin:rsync           Project Private
svc:/application/time-slider/plugin:zfs-send        Project Private
/usr/lib/time-sliderd                               Project Private
/usr/lib/time-slider/plugins/rsync/rsync-trigger    Project Private
/usr/lib/time-slider/plugins/rsync/rsync-backup     Project Private
/usr/lib/time-slider/plugins/zfssend/zfssend        Project Private
/etc/dbus-1/system.d/time-slider.conf               Project Private

Removed Interfaces:
/usr/lib/time-slider-cleanup                        Uncommitted

5. Documentation

    snapshot manager :

    auto snapshot service :

6. Resources and Schedule
     6.1. Projected Availability
         Solaris Next
     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
                Desktop C-Team
     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
     6.6. ARC Exposure: open

6. Resources and Schedule
     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
     6.5. ARC review type: OnePager
     6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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