Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.70 03/30/10 SMI
This information is Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All 
rights reserved.
1. Introduction
    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
         PKCS#11 URI parser for libcryptoutil
    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Jan Pechanec
    1.3  Date of This Document:
        21 May, 2010
4. Technical Description
Parsing the PKCS#11 URI in libcryptoutil


Applications start making use of the (not just HW) PKCS#11 keystores for
storing private keys, and to a lesser extend also public keys and
certificates. OpenSSL PKCS#11 Engine already allows applications to
access PKCS#11 tokens that way (6479874) and there is also an ongoing
project to add support for X.509 certificates into SunSSH (6357779)
which also plans to use PKCS#11 keystores for storing private keys
corresponding to certificates. Basically any application that uses
private keys could benefit from having such keys in the PKCS#11

However, so far there is no unified way of referencing such keys/certs
in the tokens. Recently we filed an Internet Draft "The PKCS#11 URI
Scheme" specifying an URI that could help with referencing the PKCS#11
objects. The PKCS#11 URI was already used in the PKCS#11 Engine
(PSARC/2009/555 OpenSSL RSA keys by reference in PKCS#11 keystores
through the PKCS11 engine) and parsing code was included directly into
the engine.

We suggest to put the PKCS#11 URI parsing code into the libcryptoutil so
that it's easily available to all consumers in ON.

PKCS#11 URI Scheme

The PKCS#11 URI is fully described in the I-D which is located here:


Extension to the existing libcryptoutil API

Given that libcryptoutil is consolidation private we can define a new
structure in cryptoutil.h, visible in ON. We also use a few new defines.

/* That's what getpassphrase(3c) supports. */
#define PK11_MAX_TOKEN_PIN_LEN          256
 * There is no limit for the attribute length in the spec. 256 bytes
 * should be enough for the object name.
#define PK11_MAX_OBJECT_LEN             256
 * CKA_ID is of type "byte array" which can be of arbitrary length. 256
 * bytes should be sufficient though.
#define PK11_MAX_ID_LEN                 256
#define PK11_MAX_PASSPHRASEDIALOG_LEN   (MAXPATHLEN + sizeof ("exec:"))

/* Structure for the PKCS#11 URI. */
typedef struct pkcs11_uri_t {
        CK_UTF8CHAR     object[PK11_MAX_OBJECT_LEN + 1];
         * The "objecttype" URI attribute can have a value of private,
         * public, cert, seckey, or data. The "objecttype" field can
         * have a value of CKO_PUBLIC_KEY, CKO_PRIVATE_KEY,
        CK_ULONG        objecttype;
         * CKO_DATA is 0 so we need this flag. Not part of the URI
         * itself.
        boolean_t       objecttype_present;
         * Token, manuf, serial and model are of fixed size lengths as
         * defined in the specification. The +1s are for the terminating
         * '\0's which are not used in the CK_TOKEN_INFO structure
         * (fields are padded with spaces).
        /* Token label from CK_TOKEN_INFO. */
        CK_UTF8CHAR     token[32 + 1];
        /* ManufacturerID from CK_TOKEN_INFO. */
        CK_UTF8CHAR     manuf[32 + 1];
        /* SerialNumber from CK_TOKEN_INFO. */
        CK_CHAR         serial[16 + 1];
        /* Model from CK_TOKEN_INFO. */
        CK_UTF8CHAR     model[16 + 1];
        /* This is a byte array, we need a length parameter as well. */
        CK_BYTE         id[PK11_MAX_ID_LEN];
        int             id_len;
        /* Passphrase dialog for getting the token PIN. */
        char            passphrasedialog[PK11_MAX_PASSPHRASEDIALOG_LEN + 1];
         * The token PIN. Not part of the URI itself. Will be filled
         * when the passphrasedialog attribute is used. +1 is for the
         * terminating '\0'.
        CK_UTF8CHAR     pin[PK11_MAX_TOKEN_PIN_LEN + 1];
} pkcs11_uri_t;

We need only one function for parsing the URI, all other helper
functions are static. The function takes a string with the PKCS#11 URI
and fills up a structure allocated by the caller.

        int pkcs11_parse_uri(const char *str, pkcs11_uri_t *uri);

Return codes are defined:

#define PK11_URI_OK             0
#define PK11_URI_INVALID        1
        - the string begins with the "pkcs11://" prefix but the URI is
          otherwise invalid. It contains an unknown attribute, for
        - there might be different reasons why the PIN has not been
          read. For example, the external passphrase-like command does
          not exist.
#define PK11_MALLOC_ERROR       3
        - internal malloc() has failed
        - the PKCS#11 spec defines some limits on attributes.
#define PK11_NOT_PKCS11_URI     5
        - the string does not begin with the "pkcs11://" prefix at all
#define PK11_MUTEX_ERROR        6
        - getpassphrase() is not MT-safe. We use a global mutex to
          protect the getpassphrase() call.

Relevant CRs

6924687 teach libcryptoutil to parse a PKCS#11 URI
6953869 crypto framework STC-2 test suite needs a test for the PKCS#11
        URI parsing

Doc impact

We will update the README file in usr/src/lib/libcryptoutil. Since
libcryptoutil is private interface within ON it does not have its own
manual page.


We asked for feedback on the following aliases:

                - IETF Security Area Advisory Group

                - PKCS#11 alias at RSA Security (PKCS#11 came from

                - open smart card project

Unfortunately, we haven't received any feedback. However, given that
libcryptoutil is consolidation private we believe we can implement the
current specification and make changes in the future should those be

Interface Stability


6. Resources and Schedule
    6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
    6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
    6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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