I think this is a good change. But I'd like to see more sample values for the valid values of these properties -- the type of astring is a bit .. hmm... non-specific. (And furthermore, perhaps some of the values should actually take more specifically typed data, e.g. numbers or booleans?
Hi Garrett and Liane,

The properties in system/keymap come from the file - /etc/default/kbd. The file - /etc/default/kbd is to give users an interface to change keyboard configurations. Currently /etc/default/kbd provides no default value for keyboard configurations. The default keyboard configurations are set by kernel drivers or modules. For example, keyboard repeat rate and delay is set in kbtrans module. So I set null to the values of these properties. And for some properties(repeat rate and beeper frequency), their values are integer. But if I use 'integer' type to store these properties, I need to set default values for them(null is invalid). So I store the values of these properties as 'astring' type. The values of these properties will be checked, when users configure keyboard using system/keymap service. Thanks.



    - Garrett

On 05/20/10 01:08 AM, Frank Che wrote:
I'm sponsoring this case for Felix Feng. It is to convert keyboard configurations supported by /etc/default/kbd to be properties of the system/keymap service, and obsolete that file. The release binding is minor. Timer is set to 05/27/2010.


Currently the keyboard configurations (layout, keyclick, beeper frequency etc)
are stored in file /etc/default/kbd.

During installation, the sysidkbd (PSARC/2006/390) will get the keyboard
configurations (so far only keyboard layout) and save the configurations into eeprom(1M) or /etc/default/kbd according to platform. When system boots up,
service svc:/system/keymap:default will set the saved keyboard
configurations into kernel.

Users can modify file /etc/default/kbd to change kernel keyboard configurations.

For Solaris Next, there will be some system configuration changes for the
install process. New installer will use SMF profile to customize
keyboard configurations. Keyboard configurations will be stored in
SMF service properties. And sysidkbd will be removed. So the content of
legacy keyboard configuration file - /etc/default/kbd should be moved to be
properties of system/keymap service. See [1] for example of SMF profile
which would serve for keyboard configuration.


1. Export keyboard configurations from /etc/default/kbd and import them to
 properties of svc:/system/keymap:default - see [2] for keyboard service

2. Obsolete file /etc/default/kbd. This file will no longer exist in the system

3. Modify existing /etc/default/kbd consumers, so that they operate on SMF property instead of the file. The following consumer was found in ON gate

 kbd(1) - usr/src/cmd/kbd/kbd.c

For this consumer, file /etc/default/kbd is only referred in this usage:
     kbd -i [-d keyboard device]

 This project will update the implementation of 'kbd -i' so that
 it will not read file /etc/default/kbd, but get keyboard configuration
 values directly from the keymap service. The man page for kbd will
 also be updated. See [3] for kbd(1) related PSARC cases.

Exported Interfaces

Name                            Commitment      Comments
keymap                          Committed       keyboard configuration
                                              SMF property group



[1] Example of SMF profile configuring keyboard properties

<service_bundle type='profile' name='default'>
<service name='system/keymap' version='1' type='service'>
<instance name='default' enabled='true'>
<property_group name='keyboard-0' type='application'>
<propval name='layout' type='astring'
                    value='US-English' />

[2] keyboard properties in svc:/system/keymap:default

<property_group name='keymap' type='system'>
<propval name='KEYBOARD_ABORT' type='astring' value='' />
<propval name='KEYCLICK' type='astring' value='' />
<propval name='REPEAT_DELAY' type='astring' value='' />
<propval name='REPEAT_RATE' type='astring' value='' />
<propval name='LAYOUT' type='astring' value='' />
<propval name='KBD_BEEPER_FREQ' type='astring' value='' />
<propval name='CONSOLE_BEEPER_FREQ' type='astring' value='' />

[3] kbd(1) related PSARC cases

PSARC/2002/771 - Layout option to "kbd"
PSARC/2005/535 - zero-CountryCode keyboard layout support in kernel
PSARC/2008/193 - kbd -s output change from "Taiwanese" to "Traditional-Chinese"

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