Ok, so I would like to formally request that this case be restarted as a regular EOF of the associated graph and spline utilities. If it is approved, then I'll also deliver the GNU plotutils to /contrib, at the time that I submit a request to remove the ancient portions from ON. (I'll be going through request-sponsor from here on out, I guess. :-)

I have to run, and won't have time to update the IAM file on this case before I lose access to do so today -- perhaps someone else who's an ARC member could do so for me? Thanks.

   - Garrett

On 05/17/10 10:49, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
On 05/17/10 10:36, Bart Smaalders wrote:
On 05/14/10 22:41, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
While this case was approved, with the idea that these utilities would
be replaced by integrating the GNU plotutils suite, I'd like to change
direction somewhat.

Specifically, it seems that /contrib is a superior delivery mechanism
for these tools. I don't believe that there is a compelling need for
plot and company to be part of the ON or SFW consolidations.

This is also in keeping with the new trend to rely more heavily on
integrations in /contrib, and reduce the components that are part of the
"supported" foundation of Solaris.

So, I'd like to handle this as an update to this case; GNU plotutils
will be delivered into /contrib, and is *not* a pre-requisite to
removing the ancient libplot, graph, and spline utilities from Solaris.

If anyone objects to this, please do so before Wednesday's meeting; if
we need to open a new fast-track or reopen this case, we can do that,
although I don't think that is particularly necessary.

- Garrett


This is indeed a change, and represents an EOF of the functionality
rather than the interface.  Contrib is not a mechanism for delivering
software that meets any PSARC requirements.

Fair enough. I can run an EOF case then, I suppose. Or as I'm no longer to be employed here, I could just let the rotten bits lie, they aren't bothering me that much. I'll probably take that latter course.

   - Garrett

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