Looks good to me, +1.

Question: are these events recorded as "synthetic" events to X, or are
they indistinguishable to X and apps from real keypresses?

        -- Garrett

On Thu, 2010-07-22 at 23:30 -0700, Fuyuki Hasegawa wrote:
> I'm sponsoring this fast-track case for Noayuki. The time is set to 
> 07/29/2010.
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.70 03/30/10 SMI
> This information is Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All 
> rights reserved.
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        IBus Virtual Keyboard Input Method
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Naoyuki Ishimura
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       22 July, 2010
> 4. Technical Description
>       This project is to add virtual keyboard GUI to IBus Input Method
>       framework[1]. This virtual keyboard enables user to input
>       all of xkeyboard-config[2] supported layout symbols with GUI.
>       This is an extension for keyboard layout emulation engine for IBus[3].
>       The IBus virtual keyboard uses layout and geometry data which
>       keyboard layout emulation engine uses. (478 layouts/variants)
>       User can switch layout(France, Russia, Greece etc) and geometry
>       (simple, pc101, pc102 etc) from menu, and input characters
>       to Input Method aware text field/area of X11 applications.
>       This IBus virtual keyboard corresponds to IIIM virtual keyboard[4].
>       Solaris default Input Method framework will move to IBus from IIIM,
>       so virtual keyboard users need to use the IBus virtula keyboard
>       when Input Method framework switched to IBus for their desktop.
>       To invoke IBus virtual keyboard, user executes /usr/bin/ibus-keyboard
>       or selects "Virtual Keyboard' menu item from IBus main menu in
>       gnome-panel system tray.
>       When user select favorite layout (ex Russia, Greece, France etc...)
>       from context menu, the key top label is chagned to corresponding leyout.
>       Then user can input character on key top with clicking it.
>       The character event will go to the current focused input field.
>       (virtual keyboard itself does not get input focus)
>        All of components for this engine are Projectt Private.
>        INTERFACE NAME                 STABILITY        NOTE
>        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>        /usr/bin/ibus-keyboard       Volatile    virtual keyboard lanucher
>        /usr/share/ibus-xkbc         Project     virtual keyboar implemetation
>                                     Private     files (script and data)
>        The project team asks for Micor/Path release binding
>        [1] IBus Input Method framework
>        PSARC 2009/499 IBus integration
>        [2] xkeyboard-config
>        PSARC 2009/440 xkeyboard-config update from v1.4 to v1.6
>        [3] Keyboard layout emulation engine for IBus
>        PSARC 2009/645 Keyboard layout emulation engine for IBus
>        [4] IIIM virtual keyboard
>        PSARC 2009/041 Virtual Keyboard Input Method
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               G11N
>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open
> _______________________________________________
> opensolaris-arc mailing list
> opensolaris-arc@opensolaris.org

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