> It seems a shame to me that the architecture for this
> new feature stops
> at the IP/driver connection and doesn't include the
> API level.
> -- 
> James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W
>         <carls...@workingcode.com>

Particularly since the information is already available - the UD MTU
has to be already known, and the per-IB-connection MTU is
presumably discovered as part of address resolution (RFC 4755, paragraph

A new ioctl, that made those available (if the link layer supported it)
or failed (otherwise) leaving the application to decide by some other
means, doesn't seem as if it would be unduly difficult, nor (unlike path
MTU discovery) would it require any additional network overhead.  The
only question being if there's some precedent in another implementation
for what the API should look like.  I'm having trouble thinking up a
likely google/bing query for that...
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