On 6/30/05, Dragan Cvetkovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Rich Teer wrote:
> > On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Dragan Cvetkovic wrote:
> >
> >> after starting truss -afe -o /dev/null -p 2079, it managed to copy some
> >> 10MB of data in one minute or so, but after killing truss, it takes 5
> >> minutes to copy 2MB of data.
> >>
> >> What is going on here? How can I find that out?
> >
> > <Bryan Cantrill>
> >       This sounds like a job DTrace!  [FX: sounds of feverish typing]
> > </Bryan Cantrill>
> >
> > :-)
> >
> Yes, I know I should use them, and I wish I know how to do it. Therefore
> dtrace-discuss cc-ed :-)
> To recapitulate and simplify a bit: I want to copy via NFS a large file
> (Solaris Express b17 first iso, some 300MB). My NFS server is a x86 machine
> running onnv16, my NFS client is a SPARC machine (SunBlade 100) running
> Solaris 10 GA and up to date with patches. They are all on the local
> network and e.g. ftp shows the transfer speed of some 8-9MB/s. However, if
> I use cp to do the same, it goes extremelly slowly: 1 or 2MB per minute or
> even less!
> When I truss nfsd on the server, I see that it does a lot of sleeping, when
> I trace cp on the client, it does a lot of write() + mmap() of 8MB chunks
> and some idling in between. I have tried experimenting with switching off
> NFS4 and some other stuff (as I am not completely sure that our NFS4 setup
> is completely OK), but didn't help.
> Where is the cp source, btw?
> Another example of slow transfer: copying these 4 isos to our install
> server (using setup_install_server + add_to_install_server) took the whole
> day (some 5 to 6 hours!)!

Those symptoms immediately make me think duplex mismatch.

Alex Kiernan
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