
> What about nagging the package community to make sure that
> packages/programs that is user/desktop oriented (gimp, openoffice
> and such) gets added to the start menu automatically ;o)

They don't already? I'm pretty sure that GIMP installs a menu entry for
at least GNOME, and OpenOffice really should do the same - especially
with the Q concept doc

As it turns out though, I see a staroffice-menuintegration package on my
system for Linux, and a SUNWsogm for Solaris with the following entries

/usr/lib/bonobo/servers/COM_SUN_STAR_Bonobo_PresentationStarter.server *
/usr/lib/libsogpstarterli.so *

[* only in the Linux package]

But yeah, good suggestion - thanks for that!


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