>I see you've already fixed your problem, but just wanted to add that I 
>had a similiar problem with the floppy controller not showing up also.  
>I fiddled around with a bunch of BIOS settings so I can't be sure which 
>one fixed things, but one of them was to enable acpi in the BIOS.  My 
>OpenSolaris box is a fairly old one and ACPI defaults to off.  Looks 
>like there are a few bugs lurking in the new ACPI code.

There are also a lot of bugs lurking in BIOSes, specifically
"faily old ones"; but even my brand new Ferrari 4000 has a BIOS
bug which just happens to work under Windows; the AML is invalid
so the battery status cannot be computed.  Fortunately, Solaris
does allow you to install a replacement table.

(There are really only two AML interpreters and compilers:
the one found in Windows and the one from Intel (ACPICA) which
is used in Solaris, Linux and others.

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