On 7/7/05, Patrick Mauritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 11:00:30AM -0500, Shawn Walker wrote:
> > That's not true of svn as far as the write access is concerned. At
> > least if you're using svnserve + fsfs.
> uh, how does the method with which writing to the server and storage is
> done affect the general necessity to allow writing to the server in the
> first place?
> this isn't about writing to a branch, it's about writing to a server.

I thought you were speaking of the fact that anonymous read access to
SVN using Apache requires write access to the repository whereas
svnserve + fsfs does not (if I remember correctly). That's what I was
referring to anyway...

> > A few prominent community figures have already noted large scalability
> > problems or other things with some of them. No offense, but of those
> for their scenario. it might be worth to reevaluate with the opensolaris
> scenario in mind.

Their scenario seems little different.

> > listed I hope that OpenSolaris would only get involved with monotone
> > or svk. The ideology, politics, and licensing of the others is not
> > something I would prefer to be involved with.
> I think "huge" when talking about svk. svn isn't a lightweight, and svk
> layers even more on top of it.

Clarify, please? I don't understand this comment. As I said before +1 to svk...

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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