W. Wayne Liauh wrote:
I am wondering if anyone would be interested in discussing Solaris_86
(10 and later) vis-a-vis Linux?

I have been using Red Hat Linux since 4.2 and am very pleased, as far
as desktops are concerned, with Fedora Core 4.  However, because of
several critical issues (e.g., inability to include proprietary
drivers in the kernel,

This isn't the case. I use a proprietary VPN product all the time with Fedora 2, which loads a kernel module on boot.

no "big name" vendor support outside the Linux
circle*, etc.,) I really don't see how Linux could any further
inroads (at least into corporate desktops).

Care to share your thoughts?

Several city governments both here and abroad have adopted linux for their desktops. It's perfectly doable.

These linux vs <your favorite OS> discussions are generally too personal to mean much. I use linux and solaris, and there are things I like better on one than the other. Solaris sometimes strikes me as the coolest thing since sliced bread, and sometimes it's just a pain in the butt. However, I can say the same about Linux.

I think it would be more profitable to see how these (now) two open source operating systems can learn from each other.

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