On second thought just because there's documentation 
doesn't necessarily mean that it'll get read.  Having
good and accessible documentation might not be enough
since both words may have a different interpretation.

A better solution is to perhaps tweak OpenSolaris so
that it'll simply and clearly ask a user very early on
during install time something like:  

"Do you want to install a command line prompt or shell
that is backwardly compatible to legacy Solaris or
would you rather install one that is compatible with
Linux/bash. Note: for a detailed discussion of which
shell to select please press 'h'. The default answer
is Yes?" ... or something similar.

That should make it self-documenting and will probably
'nip it in the bud' if done here, and perhaps has a
better chance as far as these types of discussion go
instead of simply having the same types of discussions
continuing on to other distros. Having options is one
thing, but making sure people know that there are
options which are easily opted for early on is
probably another matter altogether. 

--- Jim Grisanzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> George Jereza wrote:
> > This is a good email thread for new Solaris users,
> > especially for those who are considering moving
> from
> > Linux. I'm hoping the community is cutting n'
> pasting
> > the main points in this thread and publishing it
> > somewhere, so that the group can move on to other
> > issues.  Otherwise, it'll come up again, and
> again. 
> > That'll be insane.
> I agree. Also, there are actually 3 threads that
> grew from the original 
> post:
> We can easily direct people to these threads in the
> future by asking 
> them to search the forums.
> Jim
> > Better yet, give people (all inclusive, including
> > newbies to Solaris who couldn't care less about
> > backward compatibility) options when they install
> and
> > try the OS out for a spin.  Options within
> Solaris, or
> > options within options.  I think that's what
> > OpenSolaris is all about to begin with, isn't it?
> > 

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