On 7/9/05, John Garner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
come to mind as the only 2 i can think of off the top of my head). Any
version of solaris with any patch combination is supported unless
explicitly listed in the release notes (I've discovered that it is the
other way around with the linux distros)
< snip >
> So, the distinction is simple: want stability over features? Solaris. Want 
> features over stability? go with linux. (By 'stability', i'm not talking 
> crashes, i'm talking predictable behavior over a long period of time)

There of course is a blinding exception to this, and that is the fact
that Oracle's support for Solaris x86 is subpar at best compared to
Solaris SPARC, or Linux. For example, there's a kpofdr long Oracle
internal error that's fixed in That patchset came out for
Linux and Solaris SPARC months ago, but Oracle still hasn't released
it for Solaris x86 (as of a few days ago when I checked). As long as
application providers continue to treat Solaris x86 like an
illegitimate child the Solaris experience will be subpar as well for

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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