On 07/12/05 22:44, roland wrote:
I check the Logs and found that the error should be the configuration of 
X-server.  But during the installation process,  there is no way to config it.

Does anyone knows how to config it,  and how to start the configuration program 
for X-server?

The display is normal through out the installation process.

So it appears to be detecting your card type correctly (or treating it as 
generic vga?)
so at least we know it *can* work.

You now have to choose between Xsun (Sun X server) and Xorg (also shipped).  
by logging in (at the text console) and 'kdmconfig -u' to clear anything that is
there.   Now run 'kdmconfig' and on the opening page choose either Xsun or

If you choose Xsun then kdmconfig goes on to guess your Keyboard/Display/Mouse 
and lets you modify these detected values.   When you're happy you can test the
combination and accept it if all works as expected.  You need all 3 to work 
to start the X server properly.  If you accept the choice the kdmconfig writes
the info away to a config file somewhere and this will be used in subsequent
startup of dtlogin (check with 'svcs dtlogin' to check that it is enabled).

If you choose Xorg then kdmconfig will exit with a message telling you your
options on how to configure Xorg.  These are:

1) hand-craft an xorg.conf file in /etc/X11
2) use /usr/X11/bin/xorgconfig; this is a text-based util which asks
   you a bunch of questions about your card, monitor, mouse etc.
   The answers aren't necessarily obvious, and indeed often not
   relevant (eg a modern monitor will not need frequency ranges
   specified as they can be sensed).
3) use /usr/X11/bin/xorgcfg; this starts an Xserver, if it can, running twm
   window mgr and the config util.
4) use /usr/X11/bin/Xorg -configure;  this will sense what it can and
   generate a xorg.conf.new (or similar) file in your $HOME (/ if you
   are root) which is your suggested starting point for

I think I'd suggest 4) as your best starting route;  you can learn the power
user options later.

Hope that helps.

Gavin (no expert, but I've recently learned way more of Xorg config than I ever
wanted to know!)
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