Nick Winlund wrote:
Hi Jim,

I'm definitely interested in writing reviews and opinion pieces about opensolaris. I've been tinkering with the compiler and source but once I ramp up my efforts I'll be sure to dictate and turn some of that output into content. I forwarded your message to Kelly McNeill over at I've gotten published there. He's been covering osol and mactel in addition to mac, linux and wintel.

Nick Winlund
Corvallis, OR (not far from OSDL H.Q.!)

Cool. Care to toss out some suggested article or category topics you are interested in that we can chew on? For instance, since I'm not a coder, I'm most interested in developer profiles. I'm interested in the people behind the code. So, I'll certainly write up some profiles and I'm looking for suggestions on who would be good subjects. So, profiles is one category. You mentioned reviews. That's a good category. What would you reveiw? What's on your wish list? What sorts of article content does this community want and need?

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