On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 06:58:24PM -0700, Jake Hamby wrote:
> I just did a quick performance test of bsdtar vs. gnutar, star, and Solaris 
> tar in extracting a large (704MB uncompressed) .tar.bz2 archive:
> $ time gtar -xjf ~/Downloads/kde/KDEkderequired-341.tar.bz2
> $ bzcat ~/Downloads/kde/KDEkderequired-341.tar.bz2 | time tar -xf -

It's dangerous compairing these two - in one you're running time on the
entire decompress/untar process, whilst in the second you're only time'ing
the untar.

The "real" time _should_ be roughly the same for both, but it's still
a very unscientific way of doing it.

Start with an uncompressed archive, and try again. You should also be
careful to make sure that any disk caching/etc doesn't get in the way...

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