
At present dtlogin is the default login process, but you can change to using GDM2 if you so desire, just disable the rc*/*dtlogin scripts and enable the GDM2 service (under SMF).

Yes, we ship GDM2 with Solaris.  CDE login is the default login program
in Solaris.  I'm not sure what login you get in OpenSolaris by default.
To disable starting of CDE login on startup, you can run:

/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d

To specify GDM should be started at login you run:

svcadm enable application/gdm2-login

Though we are in the middle of changing the service name for GDM, so in
future builds, it may instead be:

svcadm enable application/graphical-login/gdm

Yes, we are working to make GDM2 the default Solaris login program, though
it isn't clear yet if this will go into S10 or S11.


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