Philip Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 01:24:14PM -0500, Eric Boutilier wrote:
> > I have to admit to knowing almost nothing about Ret Hat Inc's position
> > (in theory or practice) on POSIX.
> i think its about the same as most other linux places:
> "We'll follow POSIX as much as possible... or until we dont feel like it"
> :-)
> [mostly, it isnt "their" choice, its a matter of how closely the usual GNU
>  tools installed with linux follow it. Which usually follows my above
>  statement]

Actually it is primarily their choice. Only complete, stable system
distributions can be certified to conform to POSIX. Maintainers of
individual projects can cooperate on an informal level only; it is
thus not surprising that they take it relaxed. In addition, Linux
distributors patch most of their packages anyway, so they could just
as well do so for fixing possible conformance issues too.

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