> Without this ability to manage the evolution of
> shared components,
> it becomes extremely difficult to reuse them, because
> asynchronous
> development almost guarantees that a change to the
> shared component
> will break a consumer, and that multiple consumers
> rarely depend on
> the same version.

I don't think its as common as you say. ABI changes from e.g. gtk+-1.x to 
gtk+-2.x are by nature different beasts. But within gtk+-2.x, once you are a 
stable version you will pretty much work with later versions till gtk folks 
decide to break the ABI. multiple consumers can depend on different stable 
versions but as long as the latest stable version is present all SHOULD work 
(otherwise its a bug against gtk+).

gentoo provides layers of protection against such incompatibilities. One, 
packages are marked as masked, unstable and stable depending upon how much they 
are tested in general and tested for packages which depend on them and users 
have the option to go with unstable version or stick with the stable version. 
second, packages which break ABI are installed in their own 'slot' and for some 
of those pkgs, you have the option to switch between slots.
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