On Wed, 20 Jul 2005, UNIX admin wrote:
> Eric Boutilier wrote:
> > e) Time to package. Check out the make methodologies of the
> > existing proven Solaris ports projects such as as Blastwave, JDS,
> > OpenPKG, Pkgsrc, and SPS. If you like any of them, em, use their
> > procedure for building your makefile and patches and contribute the
> > result back.
> > --
> Out of curiosity, did you work with any of these alternative packaging 
> systems in production?
> ...

In production? No. In-depth? Yes, with pkgsrc. In fact, in case
anyone's interested, I kept a journal of my experience here:


But if you really do want to find people with production experience in
any of these though, you definitely don't have to look far.

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