I am answering my own question.  I have found the edu-discuss forum from the 
e-mail header, which, however, is not shown in the forum message:


I am very interested in this issue not necessarily because I was born a 
Chinese, but mainly because I am convinced that the multi-lingual, 
pragmatically open-sourced SOS-based system should have a great potential in 
the China market.  A perfect win-win opportunity.

Many schools in the US pay Microsoft a set fee of ~$50 US per student per year 
for using Windows software.  Sun can probably work out a similar agreement wrt 
SOS with Chinese schools (not just universities).  In doing this, Sun must try 
every effort to become not "the" SOS provider, but only one of the competing 
many.  The China market is so huge (today the Central Bank of China voiced a 
concern that China's foreign reserve just went up another $100+ billion dollars 
in the first 6 months alone), becoming just one of the players will be a 
significant enough achievement.
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