There are two conflicting issues here:

        "the bits themselves"
        "the way the bits were built, configured and what they depend upon"

Some people simply want "mysql", while others want "mysql built on the
blastwave infrastructure optimized for Solaris10".

It seems that we would need an interface -vs- implementation split to
be able to express both - the owner of the bits defines the "package
interface" (i.e., mysql), and the various distros (sunfreeware, blastwave,
debian...) all would produce their own package implementations (mysql for

The details are where it gets interesting - the "package interface" sounds
like a list of interfaces (commands, libraries, namespaces, etc) with possibly
some sort of expectation setting (public, private, stable...), while the
"package implementation" is just pkgs and rpms ...

Is this simply spec files -vs- rpms?  Is it source code -vs- binary
distributions?  or is it more?


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