>It's not my notebook but I think I could try again.
>Now, how can I make crashdump over the network during boot?

Well, first you will need to modify the netboot image.

Secondly, you will need to share a file < 2GB with root access
over NFS.

Then, here's a script I added to /etc/inittab:

# Add the following to /etc/inittab:
#dump::sysinit:/dodadump>>/dev/console 2<>/dev/console </dev/console
# And fix this to rever to a local server; for 32 bit systems, the
# core file needs to be < 2GB.
/sbin/mount -F nfs -o vers=3 A.B.C.D:/path/to/dump /mnt
/usr/sbin/swap -a /mnt

Where A.B.C.D is the IPv4 address (dotted quad) of the server and
you need to swap on the file or else it won't be a dump device.

No guarantee it won't panic earlier.

Oh and make sure there's "set kmem_flags = 0xf" in /etc/system

>but of course as you pointed it could crash before it's possible to
>core over the net...


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