Brian Cameron wrote:
it  will probably take a bit of time for the processes to be worked
out.  It's probably better than OpenSolaris is working out the
process now with community involvement rather than trying to
simply dictate what the process should be.

Please check out the OpenSolaris:CAB-discuss discussion list/alias
where the initial governance proposal is out for comment.

I am setting the followup to this email to the cab-discuss alias.


[This part obviously needs the most work]
 Governance Proposal Thread 3 - Communities and ARCs

## Architecture Boards ##

The purpose of an ARC is to serve as an architecture review board for
design issues that impact several products and to enforce compliance
with standardized interfaces or interface versioning policies.

### Convening ###

Like communities, ARCs are created by sending a proposal describing the
scope, goals, and initial members of the architecture board to the
opensolaris-discuss mailing list. The proposal will be openly discussed
and modified as necessary. Finally, the CAB will vote to either approve
or deny creation of the ARC.

### Composition ###

ARCs consist of liaisons appointed by the communities that are dependent
on that ARC's interfaces and any additional members appointed by those
liaisons. ???

    Governance Proposal Thread 2 - Roles

### ARC Liaison ###

Communities that are dependent on a standardized or shared interface
governed by an architecture board (ARC) must maintain a presence within
that ARC. The community shall select from among their core developers
an individual to be the current ARC liaison for each ARC on which the
community is dependent (an alternate should be selected during times
when that individual is unavailable). The liaison shall be responsible
for informing the community about issues in front of the ARC and any
resulting decisions of the ARC that impact the community's products.
Likewise, if decisions made by the community will impact the work of an
ARC, the liaison is responsible for ensuring that the ARC is aware of
those decisions.

The purpose of liaison communication is not to act as a buffer zone or
single line of communication between OpenSolaris groups. In fact, most
of that communication should simply be links to relevant problem reports
or plans that fully describe the issues under consideration. Technical
discussion of ARC issues should be sent directly to the ARC's public
discussion list. When an ARC issue is decided, the ARC will send email
directly to the dependent communities' public discussion list. The role
of the liaison is to verify that ARC issues are documented somewhere
that the community can find them, and likewise for the ARC.


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