Eric Schrock wrote:
On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 06:14:57PM +0200, Joerg Schilling wrote:

The integration process needs to be defined at all.

Currently I see that some proposals made to this list are taken and implemented
and other don't even get a reply.

If the integration process is not well defined, it is highhanded.

We need an reasy to read proposal that is either structured cleanly top down or buttom up. I am sorry, but the text I did see from John needs some polishing
to match this criteria.

But currently, I don't believe that community driven integration is possible
soon as there already is an aproval for star integration but asking about a realization did not end up in a useful discussion.

The near-term process is well defined and has been described by John on
several occasions.  If you want to integrate anything, you should post a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with all the necessary data

just a quick correction: I think Eric meant to type [EMAIL PROTECTED]

stephen lau // [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 650.786.0845 |
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