Joerg> We need an reasy to read proposal that is either structured
Joerg> cleanly top down or buttom up. I am sorry, but the text I did see
Joerg> from John needs some polishing to match this criteria.

I suspect John would agree with you. :-)

Joerg> But currently, I don't believe that community driven integration
Joerg> is possible soon as there already is an aproval for star
Joerg> integration but asking about a realization did not end up in a
Joerg> useful discussion.

Yes, and I apologize for the lack of communication.  I've been wanting
to follow up about star and your rmt replacement since the middle of the
Pilot program, and I just never found the time. :-(

If you have submitted a request to the request-sponsor alias and nobody
has followed up with you, please let me and/or Jim Grisanzio know.  That
would be a bug that we (the Sun staff) need to fix.

If you haven't submitted something to request-sponsor, please do that.
And I will mail the ufs folks to encourage them to respond promptly.

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