On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 03:51:31PM -0700, Helmar Wodtke wrote:

> But another thing (since I see you are here and I remember it): you
> made a gcc compilation for OpenSolaris? I found your name in an

Yes.  I built the compiler that can build ON, and did some of the ON
work to make that happen.

> error message while compiling something (c++ stuff) - hint: probably
> it's better to compile gcc in a chroot environment with every path
> set to it's final destination. Really, I had to do a "ln -s /opt
> /builds/wesolows/x86" to make it work...

That's interesting, since (a) the paths *are* set to their final
values except for install prefixes (which aren't important since gcc
2.x), and (b) I use the compiler on systems which do not have that
path at all.  Could you give the exact error message, please?

As an aside, we're thinking about what to set gcc's
--with-local-prefix to.  We don't want it to contain any (readable)
files, especially ones that might be headers, but if it's a path that
might be NFS that's bad too since it might not be available.  My
(slightly tongue-in-cheek) suggestion was /proc/1.

And, again, sigh, replies to tools-discuss.

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
Solaris Kernel Team             "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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