On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> The most important thing people need to understand is that
> adding something that is closed source and cannot be redistributed
> or ported to other (new) platforms is a deviation from OpenSolaris.
> [ ... ]

This ties back to my message yesterday on this topic.

Some people perceive the Nevada code base and OpenSolaris code base to
be one and the same. Here, Joerg is saying that this is a
misconception. I agree. In reality, Nevada is Sun's branch of the
OpenSolaris code base... or more accurately, what the OpenSolaris code
base is becoming.

And that means, I think, that some of the rules and decisions governing
Nevada development might not be appropriate for (the broader, general)
development of OpenSolaris.


P.S. I'm not sure that this is "the most important thing people
     need to understand", but it's pretty close.
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