Eric Boutilier wrote:
On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Keith M. Wesolowski wrote:

From a technical standpoint, OpenSolaris and Solaris are the same...

That's where I agree more with the opposing viewpoint Joerg and others


OpenSolaris (at this point in time) is a shared and sharable component used
as a building block to produce multiple <mostly compatible but differentiated>
operating platforms.  At this point in time (Early August, 2005), they
include Schillix and Solaris.

It helped me to look back on the history of how we got here, taking stock of
what we are doing now, and looking forwards to what is expected to happen in
the near future.


Before June 14, there effectively was no Open Solaris; all we had was Solaris,
            which was made up of many consolidations (aka components, aka source
            trees...)  They include the core OS/Networking code (ON), the
            administration and install code (Admin and Install consolidations),
            developer support tools (compilers, runtime libs... in DevTools), 

On June 14, OpenSolaris was seeded with the subset of Solaris Nevada's ON
            consolidation that could be released - as either source or as 
            It probably would be more correct to call this entity 
            At this instant in time, while it could be said that "OpenSolaris 
            Solaris are the same", it would be more correct to say that Solaris
            was a superset of OpenSolaris.

Later on June 14 OpenSolaris became a shared component of at least 2 different
            operating platforms, namely SchilliX and Solaris Developer Express.
            At this point, the above phrases were incorrect by virtue of 
            the other platforms that were leveraging OpenSolaris-ON,

By the end of June, bugs were being filed/fixed by the community and integrated 
            the OpenSolaris-ON component.  Those bugfixes <hopefully?> showed 
up in
            the next versions/builds of both SchilliX and Solaris Developer 

Today:      Solaris is a superset of OpenSolaris
            SchilliX is a superset of OpenSolaris
            Both use the same OpenSolaris-based ON component, though each 
            it (by unfortunate necessity) in different, incompatible ways.

In Progress:Glenn and others have already formed the desktop community to 
            how best to expose the JDS work Sun has done, and incorporate new 
            with KDE and others.

In Progress:Application Server 9.0 (J2EE) is "coming out" along with a slew of
            web service components.  Yes, this is a bit removed from the 
            *here* about operating system kernels, but it points to the bigger 
            that OpenSolaris is itself much more than simply the OS/Net part of 
            operating system.

In Progress:The CAB will figure out how it desires to manage the "what do we 
            to do?" questions (aka the "business" decisions) and we will start 
            progress on that front.

in Progress:The discussions about "being proactive" and "thinking 
architecturally instead
            of simply hacking" will help us figure out how we desire to manage 
            "is this the best way to get there" questions (aka the 
architectural and
            technical" decisions)

Soon:       Sun will be releasing more of the consolidations that go into
            Solaris.  The intent is that they too will live under the 
            umbrella. The pkg tools from the Install consolidation and the 
            libraries from the developer tools are high on the community's 
            and I'm sure are being prioritized within Sun.


In this future world, operating platforms will be constructed by assembling
versions of the many shared consolidations into a single, self-consistent
entity.  The "art" of selecting the right set of components and their versions
will be a huge differentiator between these different platforms.

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