
I wanted to follow up on the earlier discussion regarding mail lists after trying some things out on our staging boxes. I am cc'ing website-discuss so we can move the particulars of this discussion over there.

2) Posting via Jive
As for the problem of postings not getting wrapped at 72 characters, I am looking into the best way to fix that issue. It seems to be dependent on users system when the message was created, as some messages wrap and some don't (at least in my browser/mail client). I would ask that in cases such as this, when something is not working as expected or as preferred, that people send email to the [website-discuss] list asking if feature X can be fixed/modified to do 'Y'. I realize that it's frustrating when things don't work as expected, but saying that something is just "broken" leaves me very little to work with.

The issue is that when messages are generated from Jive, the are output as plaint text, but the system is not breaking the message at 72 characters, nor is mailman, at the first pass. Subsequent messages that are responded to via a mail client are then broken down at 72 characters. It seems most mail clients will line break at 72 at display-time, regardless of the breaks in the source message. We have fix to break the messages at 72 characters when they are posted from Jive which will resolve this issue, so I am going to go ahead and put in that fix, barring any additional feedback to the contrary.

3) Read only mail/NNTP
There seems to be a need for another way to access the mail content other than mailman and the forums interface. Currently you can grab an RSS feed of any thread or list, or go to Gmane. If the goal is to be able to read /and/ post from NNTP, I'd need to get a better sense of how many people plan to use the functionality before I can commit to it, but it's certainly possible.

I did not get any responses to the need for NNTP. I would request that individuals that would like additional ways to access the mailing list content send a note to [website-discuss].

A final issue was that messages that are generated from the web interface not quoting the original message to which they are responding. In the Jive editing window there is button reading [Quote Original]. Selecting this button will insert the original message into the editing window, as it would with a email client. We have two options here. The first is to make the button a different color, so it will stand out more, since I am assuming that people are not seeing it (there are several buttons on the page). The second option is make all replies generate the "quote original" functionality by default. I think the first option is the better choice, but it still requires a user action to generate the quoted text. If you have preferences/suggestions let me know.


Derek Cicero
Program Manager
Solaris Kernel Group, Software Division
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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