John Plocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Joerg Schilling wrote:
> >>>Why do you believe this?
> >>
> >>ksh88 vs ksh93 deltas are described as features or improvements by the
> >>ksh93 maintainer.
> >>
> >>ksh88 vs pdksh deltas are described as bugs by the pdksh maintainer.
> > Why do you believe that pdksh makes less problems than ksh93?
> The potential reaction of the maintainer to bug reports and patches like
>      "this fixes the XXX incompatibility that your ksh has with ksh88"
> will differ.  With ksh93, the response will tend to be "we don't care",
> while with pdksh, it will tend to be "thanks".
> Unless we are willing to fork ksh93, this hurdle may well be much greater
> than all the technical issues combined.  Of course, If we are willing to fork,
> the cost of forking and tracking needs to be included in the comparison...

I am not sure whether you got the message that the main problem is not whether
one or the other owner of the code will behave more nicely if you send
him patches.

Pdksh has been advertized as a _solution_ for the ksh problem on 

The main problem is that pdksh is not any better if you take into account 
that you need to change both in order to get enough compatibility. As it
seems that you need to spend more time on pdksh then you would need to 
spend on ksh93, pdksh does not look to be a _solution_.

It should however be on the list of potential candidates.....


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