On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Chris Ricker wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Eric Boutilier wrote:
> > [...]
> > I tend to think of these things separately. To me,
> > a "PMS" is _only_  a binary package management, auto-update system...
> I think it's perhaps more clear, particularly if you're wanting to compare
> lots of different systems / cherry-pick from available implementations, to
> think of the needed functionality as 3 different things:
> * building packages
> * installing and removing packages
> * managing packages[1]

Yes, good breakdown.  The only thing I'd change is "building packages"
should mabye be called "shared build systems". In other words, systems
that capture porting knowledge systematically in re-usable,
machine-readable files. Inside Sun various teams have various shared
build environments. The one developed by the JDS team is in the process
of being released on opensolaris.org via the new desktop community, and
it looks to me like an option that should be considered by any project
that aims to build open-source apps/tools into Solaris SVR4 packages.

(More below...)

> in Solaris, these three are:
> pkgmk (sorta, though that's not a managed build system in the sense of the 
> competition)
> pkgadd / pkgrm
> Sun Update Connection
> For rpm, they are:
> rpm -b
> rpm -i / -e
> yum / apt4rpm / up2date

I don't know much about build environments in the RPM world, but don't
development teams generally base their shared build environments on the
rpmbuild tool and repositories of RPM spec files?


> For deb, they are:
> dpkg-deb
> dpkg -i / -r
> apt / dselect
> etc.
> later,
> chris
> [1] where by "managing packages" I mean some sort of
> meta-installer-remover that deals with things like autoinstalling package
> dependencies, updating installed packages automagically, etc. The category
> name's not very good but hopefully the examples indicate the functionality
> split between it and just "installing and removing packages"
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